Stay informed about active scholars, current research and events in the Nordic media and communications field with NordMedia Network. We encourage you to strengthen our community by creating a profile or contributing news and announcements.
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Media has long played a crucial role in preserving and revitalising minority languages. But as national policies, digitalisation, and economic forces increasingly tilt in favour of majority languages, the space for linguistic diversity is narrowing. At NordMedia25, the newly formed Temporary Working Group Media and Linguistic Minorities will make its debut, exploring the relevance of media for linguistic vitality, among other topics.
A new research article explores how young adults in Sweden perceive their own and others’ smartphone use. Published by Nordicom, the study reveals that many young people, particularly women, experience stress and anxiety related to their use of smartphones.
If you’re looking to expand your network, find collaborators, or recruit participants for your research or projects, don’t overlook the ‘Call to Action’ section on our website!
Norsk Medietidsskrift has released a volume dedicated to innovation pedagogy. The special issue aims to normalize exploring new technology in media education, strengthening students’ adaptability to a dynamic professional landscape.
Launched just last year, the Nord55° aspire to promote collaboration and strengthen shared Nordic values within culture and media. “Our mission has never been more important,” the initiative states on its website.
“While we know a single-use plastic cup is harmful to the planet, fewer realise the environmental toll of five hours of Netflix”, observes Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke, one of the co-chairs of the newly formed TWG “Digital Technologies, Materiality, and the Environment”. Set to debut at the NordMedia25 conference in Odense next year, the group will explore the hidden costs of digital technologies – rising energy consumption, dwindling natural resources, and mounting e-waste – while addressing the pressing issue of social accountability in an era of rapid technological progress.
The Journalist Fund for Further Training is offering scholarships for scientific research in 2024, with a total allocation of SEK 200,000. Individual scholarships can be up to SEK 100,000.
NordMedia 2025 invites submissions of papers, panels, and workshops engaging with the conference theme, ‘Imagining Livable Futures’. While we encourage participants to address the theme thoughtfully, creative and interpretive approaches are welcome. The conference is set to take place on 13–15 August 2025 in Odense. University of Southern Denmark is the host institution.
NordMedia Network is regularly organizing virtual events such as webinars and online discussion events that provide us with good possibilities to learn from each other. All webinars will be available online as recordings to be watched afterwards. Welcome to follow our online learning events!
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Have you discovered something in your research that would be interesting to share with other researchers? Are you reflecting upon something that has to do with academic discourses, methods, career paths, or the everyday of the scholarly life? Use NordMedia Network as a surface and tool for elaborating your thoughts! We welcome all contributions – not only scholarly essays in the news feed but also recommendations for upcoming events and ideas for new journalistically oriented articles. Contact us!
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About NordMedia Network
A Digital Platform for Nordic Media Research
NordMedia Network is a digital platform devoted to the research community that for the past four decades has grown out of the NordMedia Conference. We hope it will serve as a source for inspiration, information and interaction for those interested in media and communication research in or about the Nordic region. By bringing our community closer together, the platform will also make the expertise of Nordic media scholars more accessible in larger society. NordMedia Network is powered by Nordicom and funded with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers. Join us by creating your profile today!
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