City: Gothenburg

Showing 11 items

Nordicom Invites Doctoral Students to Join a Workshop on Academic Publishing

Publishing in international journals is a given for researchers. Nevertheless, it can often be difficult to get an overview of the range of journals and to understand the different steps involved in the publication process.

Workshop on Academic Publishing for Doctoral Students

Publishing in international journals is a given for researchers. Nevertheless, it can often be difficult to get an overview of...

Workshop Opportunity for Ph.D. Students in Risk and Crisis Communication

As part of the Crisis7 conference in Gothenburg (Sweden), we would like to invite all young scholars to apply for...

7th International Crisis Communication Conference

Crisis Communication from a Citizen Perspective – Urban Risks and Crises

Medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK) för ett demokratiskt medborgarskap

Göteborgs universitet och Västra Götalandsregionen bjuder in till en nationell konferens om MIK för ett demokratiskt medborgarskap.

Presstödet 50 år

I år är det 50 år sedan statligt presstöd infördes i Sverige.  Med anledning av detta arrangerar Svensk Mediehistorisk Förening och Publicistklubben Västra ett öppet miniseminarium i Torgny Segerstedtsalen i Göteborgs universitets huvudbyggnad.

(CANCELLED) Conference 2020: Collaborative visual research

GPS400 arranges its second international conference at Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6. The theme is collaborative visual research and the conference takes...

(POSTPONED)46th annual IASSIST conference

The conference theme, “Data by Design: Building a Sustainable Data Culture”, emphasizes two core values embedded in the culture of...

Artificial intelligence in Journalism: Implications on practices, profession and competencies

This dynamic half-day symposium, organized by the University of Gothenburg, the AI Competence for Sweden initiative, and Medier och Demokrati,...

g19 Swedish Conference for Gender Research

g19 – the biennial Swedish conference for gender studies, titled Rethinking Knowledge Regimes. The conference seeks to bring together the...

UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Feature Conference 2019

The global conference will provide a forum for exchange of ideas, new influences and inspiration to a great variety of...