Media-Marketing Integration: Practices, Policies, Problems and Remedies
The conference will bring together international academics with contributors from marketing and communications industries, civil society, law, policy and regulation....
Born-Digital Collections, Archives and Memory
This international conference seeks to further an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral discussion on how the born-digital transforms what and how we research in the humanities.
11th annual London Conference in Critical Thought (LCCT)
The LCCT is an annual interdisciplinary conference that provides a forum for emergent critical scholarship, broadly construed.
London Conference in Critical Thought
The London Conference in Critical Thought is an annual interdisciplinary conference that provides a forum for emergent critical scholarship.
This two-day international conference, organised by the University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI).
The 2024 International Conference on Social Media & Society
For 2024, the #SMSociety conference will return as an in-person event.
International Conference on Media Industries
Hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London
21st Century Magic and Spirituality in Media and Culture
One-day academic symposium exploring the rise of spirituality and occulture in contemporary media and culture.
Images at Work: Labour and the Moving Image
This in-person international research conference brings together film studies scholars to examine representations of labour on screen
2nd SPRING Conference, “The Politics of Sporting Mega-Events”
The conference theme is “The Politics of Sporting Mega-Events”.
Communicating the wealth inequality challenge in hybrid media systems
The International Inequalities Institute invites scholars to submit abstracts for a workshop on 'Communicating the wealth inequality challenge in hybrid media systems' from 5 - 6 October 2023.
Content Moderation and Its Discontents
This interdisciplinary conference invites papers that deal with the
complexity of content moderation and associated topics from different
Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places
Proposals are invited from across the full breadth of media industries research.
20th anniversary conference 'Media Futures'
The 20th anniversary conference, aim to address both the critiques of the present and to consider and imagine alternative pathways.
The 10th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022)
ECAH2022 will be held alongside The 9th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022). Registration for either conference will allow delegates to attend sessions in the other.
The 9th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022)
EuroMedia2022 will be held alongside The 10th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022).
Urban Assemblage: The City as Architecture, Media, AI and Big Data
This conference is planned as a hybrid in-person and virtual event. The keynote will be held in London. In-person presentations will take place in the University of Hertfordshire campus in Hatfield on the outskirts of London.
A&SM#5 International Conference and Sensorium Art Show
The call for the 5th international, interdisciplinary Affect and Social Media conference and Sensorium Art Show asks established academics, postgraduate writers, artists and...
(VIRTUAL)The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment
Seeing the urban phenomenon as not reducible to single issues, this conference asks you to bring your disciplinary expertise to...
(POSTPONED) Locating Medical Television: The Televisual Spaces of Medicine and Health in the 20th Century
This third conference on medical television in the framework of the ERC funded BodyCapital project and in a joint venture...