City: Reykjavík

Showing 7 items

29th International Conference of Europeanists

CES is thrilled to announce the location of the 29th International Conference of Europeanists in Reykjavik, Iceland. The event will be hosted by the University of Iceland.

Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference 2020: Changing regional identities and intercultural communication

Contributions from seasoned scholars as well as from students and practitioners interested in the various aspects of culture and communication are encouraged.

(CANCELLED) TICTeC The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference from mySociety

Returning for a sixth year, TICTeC 2020 will focus on the impact that civic technology and digital democracy are having...

The 13th Nordic Public Health Conference

The theme of the conference is “Health and wellbeing for all – heading for the future”. The conference is a...

UArctic Congress 2021

The program content of Congress is focussed on the Icelandic chairmanship priorities of the Arctic Council, and will also examine...

XIX Nordic Political Science Association Congress

The Faculty of Political Science at the University of Iceland hosts the Nordic Political Science Congress 2020 in cooperation with...


The conference is a part of the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2019. It will particularly...