
The Nordic associations for media and communication researchers bring together and present media scholars at the national level. There is a national association in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Besides these national associations, there are many smaller communities, networks and researcher hubs that can be found under Other Associations and Networks.

Föreningen för svensk medie- och kommunikationsforskning

FSMK: The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Studies

FSMK is a multidisciplinary forum where researchers from different disciplines can meet and exchange information and experiences. An overall goal for FSMK’s activities is to promote better conditions and increased resources for research in the field of media and communication, as well as strengthen education in the subject area.
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FSMK: The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Studies
Media- ja viestintätieteellinen seura

Mevi: The Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies

Mevi in Finland works to support research on media and communication by promoting the field in the scientific community and beyond. The association has about 300 members, the majority in Finland. Important issues in the field of media and communication are discussed in the association’s journal Media & viestintä and in conferences and seminars organized by the association.
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Mevi: The Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies
Norsk medieforskerlag

NML: The Norwegian Association for Media Researchers

NML was founded in 1977 as a professional forum for media researchers in Norway. Norsk medieforskerlag publishes the scientific journal Norsk medietidsskrift, organizes a biennial professional conference in connection with the general assembly, and collaborates with other Nordic associations on the biennial NordMedia Conference, among other things.
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NML: The Norwegian Association for Media Researchers
Sammenslutningen af Medieforskere i Danmark

SMiD: The Danish Association for Media Researchers

SMiD is the national research association in Denmark. SMiD seeks to increase cooperation between Danish researchers in the field of media and communication; publish MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research; contribute to the debate on media’s function in politics, art, culture, business and education; and promote interest in media and communication research nationally and internationally.
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SMiD: The Danish Association for Media Researchers