Country: Sweden

Showing 291 items

Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

*In Swedish* Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation Avdelningen för kommunikation och beteendevetenskaper rymmer ämnena medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och psykologi. Inom medie-...

Media Atmospheres international symposium

This multidisciplinary symposium addresses the role of media in generating various atmospheres, both positive and negative, material and symbolic.

Doctoral Student in Media and Communication Studies: The Future of Work with AI-infused Platforms in Digital and Creative Industries

Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally-oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to...

PhD Position in Cinema Studies

The Department of Media Studies (IMS) is one of the larger departments within the Faculty of Humanities, with nearly 80...

PhD Positions in Journalism

The Department of Media Studies is one of the largest departments within the Faculty of Humanities, with nearly 80 employees...

Conference on Perspectives on Knowledge Resistance

Knowledge Resistance: Causes, Consequences and Cures, featuring talks by international scholars from the fields of philosophy, psychology, political science and media- and communication research.

Lektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, vikariat

Södertörns högskola är ett lärosäte i Stockholm som utbildar, forskar och samverkar för en hållbar samhällsutveckling. På högskolanfinns drygt 13...

Postdoctoral Scholarship (2 years) in Digital Humanities with a Focus on AI and Queer Theory

Humlab at Umeå University offers a postdoctoral scholarship within the project AI Drag: Binary Systems versus Fluid Identities. The scholarship...

Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap med inriktning Strategisk kommunikation

*In Swedish* Örebro universitet skapar framtiden genom internationellt konkurrenskraftig forskning och erbjuder professionsinriktade utbildningar som tillhör landets bästa. Nu kan...

One Doctoral Studentship in Media and Communication Studies within the Research Area of Critical and Cultural Theory, Affiliated with the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS)

Södertörn University is a higher education institution in Stockholm that conducts education, research and collaboration with the surrounding community for...

International Conference in Children’s Literature and Translation Studies (CLTS) 2024

This conference is organized by a collaboration between Stockholm University, Uppsala University (Sweden), Heriot-Watt University (UK) and the Children In Translation Network at the University of Galway (Ireland) to promote the intersection between Children’s Literature and Translation Studies.

Ett bättre internet för barn

Anmälan till konferensen öppnar 2 september 2024. Det kommer finnas ett begränsat antal deltagare på plats (150 platser) i Stockholm.

Biträdande universitetslektor i Kultur och samhälle vid Institutionen för kultur och samhälle

*In Swedish* Vi har kraften från över 40 000 studenter och medarbetare. Studenter som ger framtidshopp. Medarbetare som varje dag...

Professor of Media and Culture at the Department of Culture and Society

We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute...

Nordic Network on Media, Communication, and Health: Invitation to the 2nd Symposium

The goal of the symposium is to share knowledge and engage in critical reflection and conversation on current research and new approaches to critical health communication

Three Doctoral Students in Media and Communication Studies

Sapere Aude—dare to be wise—is our motto. Our students and employees develop knowledge and expertise that enrich both people and...

Satire Research Network

Postdoc Position to Study Digital Disinformation

Postdoc position to study digital disinformation We have an open position for a postdoc to come work with us at...

2nd Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges (SAIOC)

An avalanche of AI to radically change Society

Doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies

Umeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University...