Our new webinar series will offer you perspectives on media and information literacy (MIL) in regions beyond the Nordic and European Countries, continuing the two previous series of MIL webinars at NordMedia Network.
Welcome to follow the third MIL webinar series, De-Westernising Media Literacy: Perspectives on Pedagogies, Practices and Theories of Media Education, at NordMedia Network!
During the past years, media scholars have called for the de-westernization of media theory (see e.g. Curran and Park, 2000; Wasserman and De Beer, 2009; Thussu, 2013) and education (see e.g. Ullah, 2014). Media and information literacy (MIL) is typically to a large extent bound to the local conditions of societies, media systems and infrastructures, cultures and languages. When outlining MIL theory, we should thus remain very sensitive towards the structural and contextual differences. How should models and conceptions of MIL thus take the diversity of societal conditions and ways of organization into account? Does a focus on de-westernising theory only restore the singularity of the West?
Continuing our previous webinar series on MIL, Media Literacy in Europe: Country Approaches (2021) and Media Education in the Nordic Countries: Lessons Learned from the Neighbours (2020), this series presents six webinars that take us to different parts of the world. We will showcase MIL policies and practices in India, South America, Africa, the Arabic world, and Japan. The series is concluded by Sweden, the country that hosts the webinar series.
The programme may be subject to change.
January 27, 2022, at 15-16 p.m. CET: Media Literacy in India, with Keval J. Kumar, Manisha Pathak-Shelat, Saesha Kini and Brian D. Hanley, see programme and recording
February 23, 2022, at 15-16 p.m. CET: Media Literacy in South America and the Hispanic Region, postponed
March 24, 2022, at 15-16 p.m. CET: Media Literacy in the Arabic Region, with Maha Bashri (the United Arabic Emirates), Ali Reza Bastani (Iran), Mohamed Mliless and Fouad Boulaid (Morocco), see programme and recording
April 28, 2022
at 14:30-15:00 p.m. CET: Pre-Launch of the AfroMedia Network, a digital platform for African media researchers, see programme and recording
at 15:00-16:00 p.m. CET: Media Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa, with Wallace Gichunge (Kenya), Admire Mare (South Africa) and Chido Onumah (Nigeria), see programme and recording
May 31, 2022, at 13-14 p.m. CET: Media Literacy in Japan, with Kyoko Murakami (Hosei University), Jun Sakamoto (Hosei University), and Yoko Miyazaki (SmartNews, Inc.), see programme and recording
September 2022: Media Literacy in Sweden (wrap-up of the three MIL webinar series), see programme (TBA)
Practical Information
There will be no pre-registration. The link to the webinar room will be published on the programme page on the webinar day. Please click “see programme” above.
Further Information
For questions and inquiries on the programme, please contact Maarit Jaakkola, maarit.jaakkola@gu.se. For any technical inquiries, please contact Knut Risnes, knut.risnes@uib.no.
Curran, J. & Park, M.J. (eds.) (2000). De-Westernizing Media Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.
Downing, J. (1996). Internationalizing Media Theory. London: Sage.
Iwabuchi, K. (2014). De-westernisation, Inter-Asian Referencing and Beyond. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(1), 44–57.
Lemish, D. (2015). Children and Media: A Global Perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
Mohammed, W.F. (2022). Dismantling the Western canon in media studies. Communication Theory, 32(2), 273–280.
Thussu, D. (2013). De-Americanising Media Studies and the Rise of ‘Chindia’. Javnost – The Public, 20(4), 31–44.
Ullah, M.S. (2014). De-westernization of Media and Journalism Education in South Asia: In Search of a New Strategy. China Media Research, 10(2), 15–23.
Wasserman, H. & De Beer, A. (2009). Towards De-westernizing Journalism Studies. In: Wahl-Jorgensen, K. & Hanitzsch, T. (eds.) The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, 428–438.