What’s the difference between NordMedia Conference and NordMedia Network?
NordMedia Conference is a biannual Nordic conference for media and communication research. NordMedia Network is a permanent online platform for Nordic media and communication researchers where you can register a profile and find news and resources supporting the scholarly work. While the NordMedia Conference takes place only every other year, NordMedia Network exists between conferences and enables connections between the conferences. The Nordmedia Network website also provides a permanent home for the NordMedia Conference, where you can look up information about past conferences and stay up to date with developments for the next one.
On which basis do you decide who is allowed to register?
NordMedia Network aims to gather individuals involved in media and communication research in, or with relevance to, the Nordic region. Though it is primarily focused towards members of academia, we also welcome those with extensive professional expertise to join. If you register with an e-mail address from a Nordic university, you are automatically accepted to NordMedia Network. If you register with another e-mail address, we will need some extra time to manually process your application.
How do you define “Nordic” in “Nordic media research”?
We consider Nordic media research as research conducted in, about or with relevance to the Nordic Region, which consists of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. NordMedia Network is a network for researchers with some connection to the Nordic Region; for
If you come from beyond the Nordic Countries, we expect you to have a Nordic connection in your research activity. It is your responsibility to prove the connection in your profile by, for example, adding relevant publications, links to projects and websites, or a description addressing this aspect.
How do you define “media research”?
We invite all researchers who have a connection in their research interests to media and communication as social phenomena to join the community, including researchers in media studies, journalism, media literacy, organizational and strategic communication, speech communication and rhetorics, linguistics, media-related cultural studies, anthropology, economic studies, technology research, game studies, and so on. Our definition of media research is broad and we want to be as inclusive as possible, to create multidisciplinary connections and support interdisciplinary dialogue. If you are a researcher who is studying media- and communication-related questions, don’t hesitate to join the network! Create your profile today.
Are researchers who are not currently employed at an academic institution allowed to register?
Can I communicate with fellow researchers on the website?
You cannot communicate directly on NordMedia Network. Rather than competing with the large social media services, NordMedia Network is a centralized hub where you can publish a professional profile with all the information needed for fellow researchers, media professionals, journalists, teachers, or students to contact you. You choose what info you would like to display—it could be your professional e-mail, a ResearchGate account, or even a Twitter handle—and then we encourage you to get in touch with others with the information they have posted. You can also communicate with the research community at large by adding content to NordMedia Network, such as news or resources.
Who is behind NordMedia Network? How is the site being financed?
NordMedia Network is operated by Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden in collaboration with the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen in Norway. The site has editors and a responsible editor, and we are also commissioning external contributors for the creation of content (you too can contribute!). NordMedia Network is funded with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Will I be able to see statistics concerning my own profile page?
While you cannot see specific statistics regarding profile views, you can boost your exposure by sharing your profile on social media and in e-mails. You can also send us contributions to news and resources, where your profile will be displayed together with the information you provide.
Where can I suggest improvements and leave feedback?
Please contact us at editors@nordmedianetwork.org if you have any questions or feedback. We are grateful for your thoughts and suggestions. You can use the form below to submit feedback to contribute with news and other material that you would like to share with the community.