We are seeking contributors for a few outstanding chapters for the /Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Animation Studies /(eds. in chief, Eric Herhuth & Annabelle Honess Roe). Unless otherwise stated, chapters are 7000-words in length. First drafts will be due Dec ’23, with a final draft deadline of Aug ’24. If you are interested in contributing a chapter on one of the topics listed below please submit a 250-word abstract to (a.honessroe /at/ surrey.ac.uk) by 30th Nov ‘22, which will be passed on to the relevant volume editors for consideration. Chapters should aim to combine a critical and balanced overview of their topic with original analysis and argument. The Encyclopedia will comprise approximately 200 original chapters that take stock of and expand the field of animation studies.
Vol 1: Geographies and Histories (eds: Malcolm Cook, Stefanie Van de Peer, Natália Pinazza and Daisy Yan Du)
US non-studio animation 1: Experimental animation in the 20th century
Germany Before 1945
Germany After 1945
Greece (2000-words)
Vol2: Techniques, Processes, Environments (eds. Alla Gadassik and Franziska Bruckner)
2D Bitmap & Pixel Animation (2000-words)
Gaming Platforms
Vol 3: Theories, Methods, Contexts (eds. Deborah Levitt and Heather Warren-Crow)
Indigenous Studies
Psychoanalytic Theory