The war in Ukraine could well mark a sharp turning point in global history, as the West isolates Russia, which now appears to try to more closely align itself with non-Western powers. Though the long-term consequences of the conflict cannot yet be fully understood, many observers have noted that the world is going through one of the most dangerous phases in its history, with conflict between nuclear-armed states a real possibility.
The present moment calls for academics, journalists, and other experts to engage with the ‘first rough draft’ of history that is being produced and disseminated by the media. There exists an urgent need to explore the information war from all sides with the aim to understand the media’s role in war and, hopefully, peace. Specifically, academics and other experts can play a part in resisting the observed tendency of national and global media, especially during war, to silo themselves off by excluding voices that run counter to established state narratives.
The world’s chances to resolve the crisis will improve when people have ready access to the main, relevant perspectives and arguments from all sides to the conflict, and when they can avail themselves of informed critiques of the coverage by national media systems and global media outlets, and of insightful contextualization of the media, including the commercial and political interests they might have.
Therefore, we would like to invite abstracts for chapters that critically explore:
- National coverage of the war in Ukraine
- Comparative coverage of the war
- Coverage of the refugee crisis
- Propaganda and information warfare
- Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation
- Censorship by governments
- Censorship by private media companies
- Other topics that fit the call for chapters
We are especially keen on chapters that include an original, structured analysis of media content with any quantitative or qualitative method, and that reflect on strengths and weaknesses of the coverage, and on the relations between the media and other societal forces, including politics and economics.
If you would like to participate, please send an abstract of maximum 500 words and a bio of 150 to 200 words to the editors. Routledge has expressed interest in publishing the book. Once the abstracts have been selected the full book proposal will be submitted to the publisher.
Abstract deadline: 1 May
Abstract decisions: 30 May
Full chapter deadline: 1 December 2022
Chapter length: 6 to 7 thousand words
Tabe Bergman: (Tabe.Bergman /at/
Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman: (Johearnsbranaman /at/