Call for Chapters for the 2nd volume of the series Reflections on Fashion Design and Media with the subtitle “Fashion Design and Media Arts Sustainability”.
CICANT is a Research Centre where both solid theoretical work and rigorous applied research at the cross-section of media, society, literacies, arts, culture and technologies is developed. Critical to its research mission are knowledge creation activities that are oriented towards expanded research on two main subject areas. In CICANT those areas are organised in Research and Learning Communities (ReLeCo).
The research group on Media Arts, Creative Industries and Technologies (MACIT) is focused on the socio-cultural and artistic uses of media technologies (visual, performative, photographic, cinematographic and sonic) at the intersection with the creative industries, both from a historical and contemporary perspective. The group has a robust research in the field and fosters a media practice-based artistic research in several areas and with a long and solid track on them.
Regarding this matter, we open a call for Chapters for the 2nd volume of the series Reflections on Fashion Design and Media with the subtitle “Fashion Design and Media Arts Sustainability”
Gradually, the fashion and luxury goods industry has been facing a sudden systemic change in the sector. Consumers have been changing their choice, looking more and more to live experiences and acquire “stories” instead of “things”. In this way, consumers inspire brands to invest more and more in hospitality and solidarity, in causes and ethical issues.
Issues such as environmental protection are on the agenda and make the fashion industry reflect on its role into the system. From now on, we will watch and follow the transition from circularity to the heart of the decision processes of the artifact production system into the fashion system. This growing trend due to environmental and social concerns is mainly due to changes on the part of consumers. This series seeks to be accessible to a broad range of readers, publishing several volumes and chapters with interest for the debate on Fashion Design and the Media Arts, looking for results or revolutionary and decisive visions for the success of the field. All the chapters proposed must reveal high capacity for critical and reflexive analysis on the topic addressed while submitting ideas, solutions or examples of good practices in the field under discussion.
Research topics:
- Sustainable Projects
- Education for Sustainability
- Social Sustainability
- Sustainable Brand Campaigns
- Sustainable Fashion Communication
- Sustainable Costumes
- Sustainable Industry in fashion and Media Arts
- Sustainable Techniques and Materials
- Fashion Sustainability
- Circular Fashion
- Alexandra Cruchinho
- Manuel José Damásio
- José Gomes Pinto
- José Carlos Neves
The chapter to be submitted must be original and unpublished. Interested authors must follow the norms for submitting full chapter.
The Full Chapters with 4000 to 7000 words must be submitted in editable text file (DOC. or DOCX.) with identification and numbers of the images to be inserted. Photographs, graphs, tables or other figures that complement the text must be submitted in a separate folder with the following features: 16cm width, 300PPI resolution, JPEG format (quality: 12/maximum).
All submissions of chapter proposals will be forwarded to at least two members of the Editorial Review Board of the Book Series for Double Blind Review.
The final decision on acceptance / revision / rejection will be based on the assessments received from the reviewers.
Full Chapters submission – 14 March 2022
Submissions & Informations
Ref: Cfc- Design & Media Book Series