Call for Papers: Human Tech Transition: Crises in Mediatized Politics, Society & Economy

We are delighted to invite you to the 2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference, “Human Tech Transition: Crises in Mediatized Politics, Society & Economy”, a captivating and innovative forum that explores the intersection of communication, modern technologies, and the challenges posed by the crises of modernity.

Our aim is to bridge the gap between empirical social research and technological advancements to gain a deeper understanding of how communication shapes the behavior of individuals and social groups.

All the details on the event can be found at

Date: 13-15 March 2024

Location: University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

The conference will feature seven compelling thematic panels:

– Communication in times of war – new media, old strategies – Communication in times of war – the role of media as an institution

– Pandemic and lockdown as the spiritus movens of the technological revolution in communication

– Climate crisis – communication through the lens of new technologies

– Technologies in social life – a solution or another crisis?

– Fighting for order and attention in times of datafication: digital media as a new tool for restoring social order

– Mediatization in the era of AI (track organized in cooperation with ECREA)