Call for papers: Versus

Deadline: July 30, 2022

Founded in 1971 by Umberto Eco, who had been its editor-in-chief until his death in February 2016, Versus is one of the first international journals of Semiotics, Philosophy and Theory of Language and a forum for Media and Communication Studies. It is currently directed by Patrizia Violi (University of Bologna). For further information see:

Versus launches a call for papers for the “Ricerche e argomenti” section. Since this is an open section, there are no thematic constraints. Only original articles will be taken into consideration, and they can belong to various domains, as long as they concern topics of semiotic interest and relevance. The contributions may therefore be of a theoretical, historical or analytical nature (i.e. analyses of specific case studies). Only articles of scientific quality and excellence will be accepted and sent out for peer-review, without precluding any epistemological orientation.
Contributions can be in Italian, English and French.

Articles must not exceed 45,000 characters in length (including spaces and including notes and references). To ensure the anonymity of the article, the names of authors, the addresses of the institutions they belong to, and the e-mail addresses must not appear in the article, but must be indicated in a separate file, as specified below. Authors are therefore asked to make their article anonymous, avoiding direct references to their own person or to their previous works, which could possibly be added after the referees.

Manuscripts must be submitted to the Journal via the platform available at: in .rtf or .doc (not .pdf) format, accompanied by another file indicating the author’s affiliation and its contact address (postal and telematic). A copy with the author’s name must also be sent to (patrizia.violi /at/ .

The articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. The accepted articles can be published in the volume 2/2022 or in one of the two volumes of 2023 (1 or 2). The journal does not require any article processing charges. The authors will receive a free copy of the Journal. The authors are committed not to publish the same article elsewhere, and to wait until its release on VS. The authors also agree not to publish parts of their work in other journals or books without the explicit consent of the direction.