CFP: 1st International Symposium on Digital Transformation


15-16 February, 2022

Linneaus University, Växjö, Sweden

Organizers: Marcelo Milrad, Anita Mirijamdotter, Soumitra Chowdhury, Johan Vaide, Erdelina Kurti, & Helena Belfrage

The International Symposium on Digital Transformation aims to contribute to the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Digital Transformations. The knowledge environment works interdisciplinary and connects subjects, departments and faculties to take a versatile approach to societal challenges in various areas affected by digitalization. The aim with this symposium is to invite researchers from all over the world whose research is about societal, cultural, economic and/or political transformations enabled by digital technologies. The researchers include both seniors and doctoral students. We also invite practitioners who work with both technical and non-technical aspects of digital transformation. Keynote speakers who have done a significant amount of work in digital transformation will be invited.

The symposium will be held both online and on-campus.

For more information about the symposium go to:


  • Deadline for submission: January 15, 2022
  • Date of Notification: January 29, 2022
  • Presentations: February 15 and 16, 2022


Digital transformation has triggered innovation in the society and businesses. We can see endeavours of introducing driverless public transports in cities around the globe as well as the applications of electronic patient records in healthcare. Businesses such as Airbnb and Lyft, as well as traditional manufacturing firms such as Volvo and Rolls-Royce all have one thing in common: novel use of digital technology. Both Volvo and Rolls-Royce combine digital and physical components to develop innovative digital services tied to the use of their products. Digital components such as sensors, data storage, analysis software and 4G connectivity as well as social media have enabled transformation in education, social interactions, healthcare, etc. Despite the abundance of examples of digital transformation in our society and industry, there is still a lack of cohesive understanding of what digital transformation entails. One major challenge is to envision what innovations digital technologies bring to the society and businesses in the future.

The symposium invites international researchers and practitioners in related disciplines to Digital Transformation to present, discuss and demonstrate different possibilities, current efforts and upcoming trends in this emerging field.

Main symposium themes:

  • Cases of digital transformation: Digital transformation is certainly happening at various levels of our society and businesses. We need to investigate interesting cases of the phenomenon.
  • Creating a liaison between academia, public and private sectors: Since DT is taking place in our society, governmental authorities such as municipalities and other public administration bodies will be benefited from scientific research in DT with the development of new approaches for DT or the design of digital services. This research can be done in collaboration between academia and private sectors since private sectors are already ahead in DT initiatives and academic researchers can help with scientific knowledge on DT.
  • Combining methodologies and approaches from different disciplines: tools: Special emphasis should be given to methodological issues of cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Symposium tracks:

  • Track 1: Digital business
  • Track 2: Digital learning/digitalization of education
  • Track 3: E-health
  • Track 4: Digital humanities
  • Track 5: Ethical implications of digitalization
  • Track 6: Digital working life
  • Track 7: General track


  1. Eligibility: The conference is open to the researchers whose research deals with business and social transformations that are enabled by different forms of digital technologies. Both senior researchers, doctoral and master’s students are welcome.
  2. Submission: To participate, a researcher should submit a 2-page abstract.
  3. Reviewing: The submitted abstracts will undergo a single-blind peer review (the reviewers’ names will not be disclosed to the authors). Each author is supposed to review at least one submission of another author.
  4. Presentations: All authors are expected to present their works during the sessions on February 15-16, 2022.


Find abstract template here:

Submit your paper for the International Symposium on Digital Transformation 2022 here:

The best abstracts will be invited for submission as full papers that will be published under the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, free Open-Access Proceedings for Scientific Conferences and Workshops.

There is no participation fee.