CFP: Conservative Political Cultures

Desde el Sur, a scientific journal focused in ​​social and human sciences, invites authors to the call for articles for its 2022 edition, number 14, volume 2, whose purpose is to reflect, from a critical approach, on the emergence of social groups that promote a conservative political agenda and how it affects the social, political, media and cultural environments of the Americas.

*The deadline is April 14, 2022. *

Desde el Sur, is the academic journal of continuous edition, published by Universidad Científica del Sur (Scientific University of the South), based in Lima, Peru. The university is making a call for articles to be publish in a special issue reflecting, from a critical approach, on the emergence of social groups that promote a conservative political agenda and how it generates impact in the social, political, media and cultural environments of the Americas.

Elites, popular mobilizations and the media have converged, in the second decade of the 21st century, in expressions that make up a plurality of publics in favor of a conservative /status quo/. In this context, what are phenomena such as the rise to power of Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil) or Donald Trump (United States) representing in the formation of conservative political cultures? To what extent do these phenomena impact the agendas of LGTBIQ+ groups, women’s rights, migrant populations, indigenous nations, and ethnic minorities such as Afro-descendants, Asians, etc. in the continent?

Desde el Sur invites you to reflect on the following subtopics:

  • Identity, political cultures, and conservative social mobilization in the 21st century.
  • Conservative Catholic activism and evangelical churches.
  • Conservative elites.
  • Left-wing conservative populism.
  • /’Sorpasso’/of the right in Latin American democracies.
  • Political communication strategies and conservative mobilization in the social media.

Contributions in English, Spanish or Portuguese are reviewed by the editorial committee and, if pre-approved, go to the second phase of blind peer review to confirm publication without modifications, with modifications or rejection.

This edition will prioritize research articles, ideas essays and critical balances. We also encourage you to send reviews and letters to the editor referring to the theme of this call. The submission deadline is April 14, 2022. Submissions must comply with APA standards (sixth or seventh edition), they must follow the guidelines indicated in the journal’s editorial standards for each type of text submitted:
