Eds. Wyatt Moss-Wellington, Margrethe Bruun Vaage, and Catalin Brylla
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 November 2022
Film, television, and screen media can influence the ways in which we think about others, whether through individual viewings, long-term engagements across a variety of narratives, or social experiences we have around media. All of these experiences have been the subject of study across disciplines – and often significant debate between disciplines – converging around the potential for media to inspire changes in thinking about others, the nature of that thought, and whether those changes are fleeting or life-changing. It is clear, however, that other-directed cognitions inspired by media matter to social justice issues; our thoughts about race, class, and gender, for instance, are in some way informed by media.
This special issue of /Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind /will bring together approaches from various disciplines addressing the ways in which visual media can foster both stigmatizing and inclusive modes of thinking. We are seeking contributions regarding cognition both during and after media engagement across social issues, including but not limited to considerations of race, gender, sexuality, disability, and class in a diversity of visual media, such as film, television, games, and digital media. Submissions may use methods and draw on evidence from across media psychology and social sciences, humanities and philosophic approaches. We also invite submissions working at intersections of cognitive and cultural studies, emotions and politics, or novel approaches to cognitive screen theory addressed to issues in media and social justice, so long as they focus on how the mind experiences, understands, and interprets audiovisual and narrative media structures, in line with the aims and scope of the journal https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/projections/projections-overview.xml?tab_body=about.
The issue will comprise contributions from Meghan Sanders and Edward Schiappa, as well as high-quality submissions from the CFP. Invited articles of between 6,000-8,000 words will be due in August 2023, and will be subject to full, double-blind peer review. The /Projections /Aims & Scope can be found here
https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/projections/projections-overview.xml?tab_body=about, and a Style Guide can be found here https://journals.berghahnbooks.com/_uploads/proj/2020_projections_style_guide.pdf.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact with guest editors Wyatt Moss-Wellington, Margrethe Bruun Vaage, and Catalin Brylla if you have any questions or would like more information about the journal or this special issue.
Please submit the following, by 15 November 2022, to: (wyatt.moss-wellington /at/ sydney.edu.au); (M.B.Vaage /at/ kent.ac.uk); (cbrylla /at/ yahoo.com)
- 150 word abstract
- 5-8 keywords
- 100 word biography
Abstract submission deadline:15 November 2022
Notification of invitation to submit full article: 10 January 2023
Article submission deadline:1 August 2023
Author revisions based on peer and editorial review: November 2023
Submission to/Projections/: January 2024