Communication and Social Change

Call for papers: Issue of Journal of Media and Journalism focusing on Communication for Social Change:

Communicative practices are at the centre of all processes of social change. However, despite its omnipresence (or because of it) understanding the impact or role of communication practices in processes of social change is complex. This issue of Revista /Media & Jornalismo/ wishes to shed light on this complex relation, between communication practices and social change, taking into consideration the new developments in technologically mediated practices of communication, but also the challenges, contestations and critiques of dominant paradigms of development and social change. The field of both research and practice around communication and social change has in recent years broadened, and this issue calls for contributions that shed light on the next-generation research questions and communication practices.

We welcome full article submissions for review by 30 September. See full call, timeline for peer review, etc in link below:

Editors of this issue are:

Nuno Correia de Brito ((nbrito /at/ ) Universidade Autónoma, Lisbon – ICNOVA Ana Margarida Barreto – NOVA FCSH – ICNOVA Thomas Tufte ((t.tufte /at/ ) Loughborough University London – Institute for Media and Creative Industries

Revista /Media & Jornalismo/ (RMJ) is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal that operates in a double-blind review process, being indexed in Scopus. Each submitted work will be distributed to two reviewers previously invited to evaluate it, according to academic quality, originality and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme of this edition of the journal. Articles can be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.There are no article publishing charges.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s website ( When accessing RMJ for the first time, you must register to be able to submit your article and accompany it throughout the editorial process. Consult the Instructions for Authors and Conditions for Submission. (