Call for Papers: UEA Post-Graduate Research Conference 2023 – Communication in Uncertain Times
We are pleased to announce the University of East Anglia School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication PGR Conference to take place *8^th June 2023 *in person on the theme of Communication in Uncertain Times.
About the event:
This is a multidisciplinary conference aimed at exploring the role and fate of communication in these uncertain times. We are living through a period of social, political, financial, and environmental crises which are accompanied by uncertainty in all areas of life, with significant social and political implications. Uncertainty in this context refers to both precariousness and probability, while communication is understood in the widest sense; from mundane everyday conversations to sophisticated political speeches. It is of vital importance to understand, respond, and overcome these crises and uncertainties, as only through communication can we widen our world in a way that creates a broader, public space.
In relation to the general theme of the conference, we welcome abstracts related but not limited to the following themes:
- Political issues, such as challenges of communicating government
decision-making and policy implementation. It could also address the
role of communication in crises and in shaping public opinion on
political issues, as well as the ethical and moral dimensions of
political communication. In this respect, this theme also includes
research on political discourse/ideologies and rhetoric through
which political actors communicate their politics, challenge others,
and convince people to a particular action. - Economic issues, such as communication of financial crises, economic
policy decisions, recession and high inflation, as well as the role
of digital media in shaping public opinion on economic matters. - Environmental issues, such as communication of climate change,
environmental degradation, and natural disasters. It could also
explore issues related to the ethics and responsibility of
communicating environmental uncertainty. - Health issues, such as communication in public health crises,
communication and/or translation in health provision situations,
health-related disinformation, Covid-19 related communication. - Issues related to Education/Higher Education, such as the challenges
of communicating uncertainty in the context of education and higher
education, including discussions of academic freedom, critical
thinking, and the role of higher education in shaping public
discourse. It could also explore issues related to digital media, as
well as the development of AI and its challenges for education. - Imagining and communicating critique in uncertain times, such as the
exploration of the meaning of critique, and its role in times of
uncertainty. It could also address issues related to ethics and
responsibility of critique as well as various ways of communicating
critique in particular contexts.
We welcome abstracts applying quantitative or qualitative methodologies such as experimental, diverse methods of discourse/rhetorical analysis, content analysis, case studies, and research based on ethnographic methods.
How to submit a proposal:
Interested researchers are invited to submit max. 300-400 words paper proposals in English that approach these themes from theoretical, practical, and empirical perspectives by *31 March 2023 to *(pgr.conference /at/ .
We are also happy to receive contributions that are still a work in progress.
We aim at providing a safe and friendly environment for developing and refining our ideas regarding these and other relevant topics.**
Participants will be informed about our decision by21 April 2023.
The UEA campus has extensive accessibility provision, however, please mention if you have any accessibility requirements, so we can do our best to accommodate.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided during the event.