We are very pleased to announce that we are re-opening the call for papers for the postponed 5th edition of “Media and Governance in Latin America, Communication in Contested Political Scenarios”. The conference will take place at the School of Education and Communication (HLK) – Jönköping University and online.
The conference “Media and Governance in Latin America” promotes intellectual exchange on the way the media interact with social, political, symbolic and technological changes in Latin America. In 2022, with the theme “Communication in Contested Political Scenarios”, the conference will discuss how media and communication play a role in contexts of political polarization, conflict, increased threats to minority groups, the threat of anti-democratic movements, and public health emergencies.
The goal of Media and Governance in Latin America is to promote an intellectual debate on the role of the media and different forms of communication in the promotion of good governance in Latin America. By bringing together senior scholars and young researchers, this initiative seeks to provide a space of exchange about the theoretical and methodological relevance of current debates in Latin America. The aim is to go beyond a regional outlook and to integrate our research within broader academic debates.
See https://ju.se/mediagovla22 for details and the Call for Papers
Abstract submission deadline: 15/03/2022, submit your abstract in English or Spanish to conference.mediagovla@gmail.com