Call for Papers
Critical Essays on BoJack Horseman
(Or: Once Upon a Time in Hollywoo)
Editor: Harriet Earle, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
This CfP seeks papers that engage with the Netflix series BoJack Horseman (created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg) to be published as part of an edited collection. Over six seasons, BoJack Horseman has received widespread critical acclaim for its bold and often nuanced discussions of a varied range of topics, set against the fading glitz of LA and played out through a distinct cast of both human and anthropomorphic characters. The series has included many nuanced – and also problematic – representations of mental health and substance abuse, as well as brought into question culturally entrenched issues of celebrity, gender politics, and queer identities. In short, it is a series that takes on a huge range of subjects and is ripe for critical interrogation.
Paper topics could include, but are not limited to:
- Celebrity, Hollywood, and the film/tv industry
- The use of animal avatars/animals as metaphors
- Feminisms
- Social media
- Mental health, childhood trauma, and therapies
- Addiction, drug use, and alcoholism
- Queer bodies, identities, and selves
- Sex, sexual bodies, and sexual pleasure/desire
- Fandoms and fan engagement (online communities, conventions, etc.) – LA and Hollywoo(d) as space/place
The list is by no means exhaustive, and I am happy to consider any piece which works with other angles of the series – please be in touch with any questions! Papers should be 8000 words (inclusive of all notes and bibliography) and the deadline for ABSTRACTS is 1st February 2022. See below for deadlines. Abstracts and papers should be submitted to the editor by e-mail via (Bojack.Essays /at/ All authors are welcome to submit abstracts: from PhD candidates and early career researchers, to established academics.
Deadline schedule: Submission of abstracts: 1st February 2022
Notification of abstract acceptance: 1st March 2022
Submission of full chapters: 1st July 2022
Publication date: To be confirmed