Editors: Francis Lee (Chalmers University of Technology), Andrea Mennicken (London School of Economics), Jacob Reilley (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg) & Malte Ziewitz (Cornell University).
What happens when we “digitize” practices of valuation and what are the implications? What are the opportunities and limits of existing analytic tools for understanding new forms of digital valuation? What vistas and perspectives do emerge for research into valuation?
This theme issue of Valuation Studies will explore novel, cross-cutting approaches to problematizing, analyzing, and examining the intersection of digitization and valuation in contemporary societies. Contributions are welcome from a number of approaches to the study of valuation practices, including sociological, anthropological, cultural, political, semiotic, historiographic, legal, institutional, critical, and organisational. Potential research themes include, but are not limited to:
- Linkages between digitization, valuation, and accountability
- The relationship between digital and other modes of valuation
- Issues of bias, discrimination, and gaming in digital valuation
- Innovative methodologies for studying digital valuation
- The roles and relevance of automation in digital valuation
- The relationship between digital valuation and new modes of governing
- How different modes of sensing the world (digital or otherwise) are valued
- How agency is redistributed by digital valuation systems
- Questions of privacy, ownership, and control
- Due process, recourse, and contestability
- Historical analyses of digital valuation practices
Expressions of interest should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract (about 1,000 words). Selected authors will be invited to submit full papers for peer review.
Important dates
September 15, 2020: Extended abstracts due
October 15, 2020: Notification of authors
April 15, 2021: Full papers due
Full call for papers: https://valuationstudies.liu.se/…ion
Questions and inquiries: digitalization.valuation@gmail.com