The editors of Philosophy of Photography invite contributions to a special issue:
Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging Technologies
Guest Editors: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Kleanthis Neocleous and Andrew Fisher
Emerging technologies have had a significant impact on photographic representations, as well as on the production, distribution and reception of photographic images. Technologies such as 360-degree photography have expanded the photographic frame and have provided the stage for VR and AR applications. Drones and satellite images have contributed to new visualizations of experience and new modes of understanding space. Machine-made images produced using generative AI – such as synthetic images, GANs, and Deep Fakes – alongside other modes of computer vision, have changed and complicated our visual milieu. As a result of these developments, issues of ethics, agency and power have become more urgent than ever.
The International Conference of Photography and Theory that took place in Nicosia Cyprus in November 2022 (ICPT2022) was titled “Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging Technologies”. The International Association of Photography and Theory, which organizes this bi-annual conference, is working with Philosophy of Photography to produce a special issue of the journal that takes as its starting point the questions asked by the conference. The conference addressed issues arising from the ways in which emerging technologies, such as 360 photography, artificial intelligence, machine-made images, augmented reality, satellites and drones, have transformed photographic practices and have expanded contemporary visualities. If such technologies “expand” or “limit” the photographic frame, what are the socio-political, aesthetic, and ethical implications of their uses in relation to photographic images and the visual world they help to shape?
We are particularly looking for contributions that address the following topics from critical and/or theoretical viewpoints, but this list is not exhaustive. We also welcome contributions in the form of photoworks.
- Immersive photographic environments (360-degree photography, VR/AR/MR)
- The effect of emerging technologies on the photographic image
- Emergent technologies both as a factor in, and as tool for envisioning environmental crisis
- Big data and photography
- Drone photography/ Satellite images and representations of landscape/geography
- Redefining vernacular photography
- Forms of protest enabled by emerging technologies
- Critical problems associated with the notion of emergence
- Camera-less photography
- (Art) historical takes on new photographic visualities
- The social and political agency of the photographer/artist
- Photographic art practices that use emerging technologies
- The future of documentary photography
- Authenticity, sales, and Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)
- The biases and politics of algorithms
- The ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine-made images
- Power structures in new visualities
- Deep fakes and their creation, distribution and reception
- The public reception of machine made images
- The capitalization of emerging technologies
- Relationships between truth, authenticity and representation
- Democracy, participation and social engagement
- Non-normative and non-binary imaginaries and emerging technologies
We are looking for contributions in the form of:
- Articles (between 4000-5000 words) focusing on the themes of the special issue
- Photoworks of up to 10 pages in length.
- We are also interested in receiving contributions (between 2000-3000 words) to the journal’s Encyclopaedia section, which offers a space to unpack and to interrogate a specific technology, idea or process related to the special issue.
Deadline for submissions: May 1st 2023
The special issue will appear in the Spring of 2024
Submissions can be made through the journal’s submissions portal:
Please mark the title page of your submission clearly as being for: Expanded Visualities
Details of the journal’s house style and other submission requirements can be downloaded
No payment on the part of authors will be required. If you have any questions about this call for contributions, would like to discuss a possible submission or to make a proposal, please contact the guest editors.
Special issue Editors:
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Cyprus University of Technology/ CYENS Centre of Excellence, Cyprus
(theopisti.stylianou /at/
Kleanthis Neocleous, CYENS Centre of Excellence, Cyprus
(k.neokleous /at/
Andrew Fisher, FAMU, Czech Republic
(andrewthomas.fisher /at/