Radiofonias – Journal of Studies in Audio Media extended the deadline for submissions to the issue 2022.1, which will feature the monograph “Radio and Gender”. Contributions will be accepted until April 29th. Free theme articles are also accepted in continuous flow.
Radiofonias is a free access journal with no actual publication costs (no APC), which accepts submissions in Portuguese, Spanish and English, authored or co-authored by PhDs. Guidelines for authors can be found at:
The Brazilian quarterly journal is co-edited by the Post-Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), the Research Group Convergence and Journalism (ConJor) and the Radio and TV Center (NRTV) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with the support of the Research Group Radio and Sound Media of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies of Communication (Intercom).
Issue 2022.1 – “Radio and gender”
Although they represent the majority of the Brazilian population, women are a minority in journalism. According to data from Workr, the corporate communication platform of the Comunique-se portal, 15,654 women were employed in media in 2019, equivalent to 36.98% of jobs in the national press market. In radio, however, female participation was even lower: only 2,284 women (20.5% of the total) worked in journalistic roles, such as reporter, presenter and editor-in-chief, against 11,182 men. This is a sample of the deep gender inequality that historically characterizes radio in Brazil, where the male voice prevails.
This scenario began to change in the 1970s, with pioneering initiatives such as Rádio Mulher (SP), and more recently with changes in the management of public and private broadcasters, increasingly attentive to discussions around gender equity. But even today, in most cases, productive routines marked by sexist and misogynist practices prevail, often with explicit situations of moral and sexual harassment. An environment permeated by toxic masculinity, in which the voice of women and people of non-binary sexuality is still barely heard, often reiterating stereotypes.
Understanding that the diversity of genres is key for a representative and plural radio, committed to equity, Radiofonias – Journal of Audio Media Studies launches the dossier “Radio and gender”, in which it encourages submissions that propose theoretical reflections, case studies and/or arise from research projects involving issues such as:
- Representations of genres on the radio;
- Sexism, misogyny and homophobia in sound broadcasting;
- Who speaks on the radio: credibility and speech;
- Pathfinders: history and memory of pioneers who managed to make female or
- LGBTQIA+ voices heard on the radio;
- Public policies and management experiences in search of gender equity in radio.
New deadline for submissions: April 29th, 2022