Game Studies, Culture, Play & Practice Area (2024 SWPACA Conference)

We are seeking to recruit new editorial/authorial contributors to join the existing team behind Media Studies: Text,

Call for Papers Game Studies, Culture, Play & Practice Area Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA) 45th Annual Conference, February 21-24, 2024 Marriott Albuquerque Albuquerque, New Mexico <>

Submissions open on September 1, 2023 Proposal submission deadline: October 31, 2023

Proposals are now being accepted for the 45th annual SWPACA conference. One of the nation’s largest interdisciplinary academic conferences, SWPACA offers nearly 70 subject areas, each typically featuring multiple panels. For a full list of subject areas, area descriptions, and Area Chairs, please visit <>

The Game Studies, Culture, Play & Practice Areainvites papers, panels, and other proposals on games (digital and otherwise) and their study and development. Proposals are welcome from any and all scholars (including graduate students, independent scholars, and tenured, tenure-track, and emeritus faculty) and practitioners (developers, artists, archivists, and so forth). Unusual formats, technologies, and the like are encouraged.

Possible topics include (but are in no way limited to):

Advertising (both in-game and out)

Archiving and artifactual preservation


Design and development

Economic and industrial histories and studies

Educational games and their pedagogies

E-Sports and competitive gaming

Fan studies Foreign language games and culture

Game art/game-based art (including game sound)

Game development education Game engines and entertainment

Game genres/types

Game streaming

Games and health

Gender and sexual identity

Haptics and interface studies


Histories of games

Industry studies

International/non-US game studies


Mobile gaming

MOGs, MMOGs, and other forms of online/networked gaming


Pornographic games

Religion and games

Representations of race and class

Representations of space and place

The rhetoric of games and game systems

Serious games T

able-top games and gaming

Technological, aesthetic, economic, and ideological convergence

Theories of play

Transmedia and games

All proposals must be submitted through the conference’s database at <>For details on using the submission database and on the application process in general, please see the Proposal Submission FAQs and Tips page at<> Individual proposals for 15-minute papers must include an abstract of approximately 200-500 words anda brief bio in the body of the proposal form. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2023.