Media, Political Participation and Human Rights in the Middle East

We are seeking a limited number of contributions for a forthcoming interdisciplinary edited volume that examinesthe intersection between media, freedom of expression, political participation, and human rights in the Middle East. The book is currently under contract with Routledge and is due to be published during next year.

You are invited to submit a 250-word abstract and a short biography by June 10, 2021. We welcome theoretical, empirical, or professional contributions of the highest standard on the following topics related to the Middle East including:

  • Media and political participation after the Arab Spring
  • Media and human rights in the MENA region
  • Media and freedom of expression
  • Online civic engagement and democracy
  • Internet-based activism and political participation
  • Media and democratisationin the Middle East
  • Other topics related to the above are also welcome.

Both country-specific and regional contributions will be considered.

Ph.D. candidates with original empirical research are also encouraged to submit an abstract.

Chapters will be 6,000 to 7,000 words in length. The timeline for the chapters submission and peer-review process is as follows:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: June 10, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2021.
  • First chapter draft due October 1, 2021.
  • Final chapter draft due December 1, 2021

Prospective authors should submit an abstract directly by email to Nael Jebril, Ph.D.


Dr. Nael Jebril, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies and Bournemouth University (UK)

Dr. Mohammed-Ali Abunajela,the UN Migration Agency (IOM)