Media Systems in the Other Nordic Countries and Autonomous Regions

Editors: Ida Willig (Roskilde University & Ilisimatursarfik) and Lars Nord (Mid Sweden University).


Media systems theory (Hallin & Mancini 2004, 2017) have been a productive theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between media and politics in a comparative perspective. Recent developments in the growing research field have suggested that the ‘democratic-corporatist’ media system model is not a ‘one-model-fits-all’ with regard to the Northern European countries (Brüggeman et al. 2014, Ohlsson 2015, Syvertsen et al. 2014). However, empirical studies of the media systems of the Nordic countries tend to have the larger Nordic countries – Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark – as their object, leaving us with little research on the smaller media systems in the other Nordic countries and autonomous regions. The grand question is still to be answered, namely if we can speak of “one” or “a” Nordic Media System or whether there are differences from west to east or from north to south? What have our shared Nordic history meant in relation to the development of our media systems, are there differences between the smaller and larger Nordic countries? Are we as alike as we might think?

This special issue addresses Media Systems in the other Nordic countries and welcomes empirical as well as theoretical studies, comparative research as well as national studies, focusing on the less researched Nordic countries and autonomous regions such as Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Island, Samiland and Åland. The empirical relevance of the special issue is not least to gain more knowledge about the less researched parts of the Nordic region. The theoretical relevance is the testing and development of media systems theory. We invite contributions considering entire media systems, comparison of media systems as well as contributions focusing on one or a couple of dimensions of media systems (for instance journalistic autonomy, media policy, structure of the media market, etc.). 

It is expected that the special issue will be published online and in print in the fall of 2020.

The selection of papers to be published will take place according to the following three-step procedure:

  • Step 1: Authors are first requested to submit the title and abstract (600 words max incl. references) of their papers along with 5-6 keywords and short bios (150 words max. for each author) to the Special Issue Editors. The deadline for submission of full abstracts is 25 September 2019 and the authors will be notified of the eventual acceptance by the end of October 2019 at the latest.
  • Step 2: If the abstracts are accepted, authors will be requested to submit full papers (7000 words max. inclusive of any front or end matter) anonymised for double-blind review and formatted according to the Nordicom Review guidelines. The deadline for submission of full anonymised papers is 31 January 2020 after which double-blind peer-review and other administrative matters will take place according to the timeline to be confirmed by the Special Issue Editors. Please note that if the submitted papers are incompatible with the earlier/accepted abstracts or are of insufficient academic quality, the Special Issue Editors reserve the right to reject such papers in line with Nordicom Review’s editorial policy.
  • Feedback from reviewers will be sent to authors by the end of January 2020 at the latest. The deadline for submission of revised manuscripts is 28 May 2020. 

Nordicom Review’s guidelines

Nordicom Review’s editorial policy

For any questions as well as abstract & paper submission, please contact

Full title

Media Systems in the other Nordic countries and autonomous regions: Studies of News Media, Journalism and Democracy in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Samiland and Åland

Deadline for submission of full abstracts: 25 September 2019