#Metoo Movement: Past, Present and What Next?

We hereby invite all interested colleagues to submit research papers, review articles, discussion papers, and thematic essays for the thematic issue of the journal Facta Universitatis: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, Vol. 19, No 3, 2020.

This Call for Papers is aimed at bringing together a selected number of scholars and associates from the academic community who wish to participate in the project titled “#METOO MOVEMENT: PAST, PRESENT AND WHAT NEXT?”

#metoo movement has gained prominence in 2017 with Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse case, which triggered many celebrities to accept the hashtag and tweet about their experiences of sexual harassment. Ultimately, this spread to the general public and many women started to openly tweet and talk about harassment and abuse they endured during their lifetimes. The movement soon achieved international recognition and became a truly global movement of women talking about harassment and fighting the prejudice from the post-feminist argument of all battles being won.

However, the term was originally created by a Black woman Tarana Burke in 2006 who started to tweet using ‘me too’ words to warn about harassment and abuse. Thus, #metoo hashtag movement has both raised an important issue and created awareness of harassment women face in their everyday life whilst, at the same time, creating a bitter feeling because it feels as if the movement has been hijacked from Black women whose equality plight is intersectional and fundamentally tied to their race and not just gender.

While the importance of movement and its positive impact is unquestionable, the question is how do we continue from now on and how do we make sure that all voices get heard? How do we teach about #metoo movement? However, these questions are relevant to the West. In other parts of the world, #metoo had a different context and was experienced differently, which again raises an issue, what next?

Therefore, this special issue tackles some of the problems outlined above. The proposed structure of the special issue is divided into two sections, a) section on problematising #metoo movement and b) teaching about #metoo movement. An introductory article will outline a timeline of the movement, its impact and some issues and debates that arose, and then discuss these against articles in the special issue.

You are kindly invited to submit the final versions of your research paper (in electronic format) by October 31, 2020.

The research papers should be submitted in English, and it should not exceed 16 pages (A4 format, max. 40.000 characters with spaces, line spacing 1.5, font Times New Roman, font size 12).

The submitted papers will be subject to double-blind peer review. In order to ensure the authenticity, relevance and legibility, the submitted papers are also subject to the process of proof-reading and copy-editing by the editors and editorial staff.

For technical details and editorial requirements on preparing the paper for publication, please refer to Author Guidelines, available at http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUPhilSocPsyHist/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Editor of the thematic issue: Dr Martina Topić, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom

Niš, February 14, 2020

ISSN 1820-8495 (Print)

ISSN 1820-8509 (Online)