Editors: Salla-Maaria Laaksonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Mikko Villi (University of Jyväskylä, Finland).
The thematic issue explores the widening scope of media work and the institutional and organizational conditions that support new forms of media work. Media work has been affected, for example, by the emergence of new digital players and changes in consumers’ media behaviour. The changes give rise to new forms of work in the media but also to media work in organizations in other fields. Forms of media work are emerging, for example, in various organizations who aim for professional, media-like content production as a part of their communication strategy, or communications agencies who produce communication and marketing content for their customers.
For this issue, we invite theoretical and empirical papers that study the changing nature of media work as well as the new institutional environments for media work from different perspectives, including but not limited to:
- New professional roles and responsibilities emerging inside the media industry
- Theoretical and conceptual development of media work in the social media era
- Institutional responses to environmental changes in media organizations
- Media work in entrepreneurial media outlets
- Practices of media work in organizations in other fields than the media (e.g. corporate media, public organization media)
- Mixing of strategic communications and journalistic work
- Organizational communication approaches on media work, such as internal mediated practices and their functions in organizations
More information: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/pages/view/nextissues#NewFormsMedia