Novel Studies in Communication Research

Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Journal of Akdeniz İletişim

Special Issue Theme: “Novel Studies in Communication Research”

For the Special issue (November 2022) of the peer-reviewed and open access Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication (JAUFC), which is published twice a year (June – December) by Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication, the authors should submit their manuscripts via DergiPark on between 1-15 September 2022. The Journal will accept manuscripts via DergiPark manuscript submission system to automatically open on Thursday, September 1, 2022 and close on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 23:59.

The Journal demands no article processing fee (APC) or any other payment from the authors.

Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication (JAUFC) is seeking submissions for its Special Issue themed “Novel Studies in Communication Research”. The Special Issue focuses on ground-breaking doctoral research which integrates theoretical framework and methodology in the field of media and communication studies. It is open to manuscripts dealing with current issues discussed in the related field, and the editors expect doctoral researchers to apply innovative research methods and to bring up significant topics worth of debate in the communication and media scholarship. Although not a comprehensive list, here are some example topics related to the scope of this special issue:

  • New approaches in advertising
  • PR and digitalisation
  • TV, IPTV, Virtual TV, Digital TV
  • Digitalisation of cinema
  • Radio in the digital age
  • Journalism, online journalism, podcast journalism
  • Post-truth, polarisation, populism
  • Communication and social movements
  • Methodological innovations in communication and media research
  • Communication and big data
  • Communication and metaverse
  • Communication and digital games
  • Communication and digital addiction
  • Digital literacy, media literacy, advertising literacy

Key points for authors of the Special Issue

Any work submitted via ways other than DergiPark will not be evaluated, and articles will not be accepted outside of the specified dates. In the Special issue of our journal, priority will be given to manuscripts in English with appropriate academic language and expression. Papers in English that do not have sufficient linguistic and academic competencies will be returned to the authors during the editorial pre-evaluation process. Papers should be prepared using the Journal’s Manuscript Template. Papers that do not accomplish this will be returned to the authors. It is mandatory for papers in Turkish to include an extended abstract in English, while it is not required that papers in English provide an extended abstract in Turkish. According to the TR Index criteria, authors must obtain approval from Institutional Review Board for research articles that use humans or animals as data sources/subjects, and upload them to the manuscript submission system in DergiPark. Submissions without the upload of approval form by Institutional Review Board will not be taken into consideration, and manuscripts will be returned to the author(s). Manuscripts to be submitted must address issues related to media and communication sciences. A maximum of 5 studies produced from doctoral theses and approved for publication as a result of double-blind peer review evaluation will be included in the special issue. The articles should be maximum of 8500 words, including the Turkish abstract, English abstract and references. Even if they are produced from the doctoral thesis, studies are subject to double-blind peer reviev evaluation, and those that have not found suitable for publication as a result of peer review evaluations will be rejected. Documents to be uploaded to the manuscript submission system: Full text; Cover letter; Copyright form; iThenticate originality report; Approval from Institutional Review Board (if legally necessary).

To submit your paper, please visit

For further question, please contact the Journal Secretariat at (iletisimdergi /at/

Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication is indexed by TR Index, EBSCO, SOBIAD, Erih Plus and MIAR, and is in the application process for the indexation of DOAJ and ESCI.