Pandemic, Demagoguery, and Right-Wing Authoritarianism:
A Demoralising Mix for Democracy
The Covid-19 pandemic mixed with rampant demagoguery and surging right-wing authoritarianism has threatened to demoralise democratic life. The threat may be different in degree and kind from country to country or culture to culture and within different circumstances and venues but relevant to revealing causes and consequences, identifying potential correctives, and assessing prospects for animating democratic life.
How, we ask, has the condition of the pandemic exacerbated undemocratic inclinations within the public, including receptivity to demagogic discourse and support of right-wing authoritarian attitudes and governance? How has it weakened the defence of democratic values, precepts, practices, and institutions? What does it indicate about the potential impact of future stresses, such as environmental crises, on democratic morale? What adaptations of communication practices and political processes hold promise for bolstering and sustaining a democratic ethos?
In response to these challenging questions, Javnost—The Public, the interdisciplinary journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture published by Taylor & Francis, invites interested scholars to submit 500-word abstracts of proposed research papers for a special issue on the problem of, and potential remedies for, democracy’s demoralisation by this confluence of pandemic, demagoguery, and right-wing authoritarianism.
Papers addressing the theme of the special issue may reflect different approaches to scholarly inquiry, including critical, theoretical, historical, qualitative, and quantitative methods. The primary objective of Javnost—The Public is to contribute to intellectual understanding of transformations in the democratic process but also to contribute to improved political practice, policy, and action.
To ensure consideration for the special issue, 500-word abstracts of proposed papers should be submitted by 30 May 2022 to Robert Ivie at (rivie /at/ with cc to (editor /at/ The decision on invitation to submit full papers will be taken by 15 June 2022. Papers will be due on 1 October 2022.
Papers should be written in Word format, totalling between 6,000 and 8,000 words (including text, tables, endnotes, references, etc.), using British spelling style, and following the Chicago author-date style (see The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition). Include a 200-word abstract. Questions about this special issue, edited by editorial-board member Robert Ivie, can be emailed to (rivie /at/