(Re)Constructing gender and sexuality in and through mobile media.
/Guest Editors: Cosimo Marco Scarcelli (Università di Padova) & Inês Amaral (Universidade de Coimbra)/
Call for Papers
Understanding technology as producing meaning, subjectivity, and agency shaped by power relations and adopting a critical perspective of contemporary digital media, this special issue invites scholars to analyse mobile apps affordances, grammars, platform politics and content, as well as their uses, appropriations and embodiment, in order to make sense on how they are shaping normativity and also challenging traditional gender practices and identities.
This special issue welcomes theoretical, empirical and methodological original manuscripts that use qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodologies and focus, not exclusively, on these topics:
- Do m-apps uses challenge traditional gender practices and identities?
- How do m-apps affordances and grammars convey or challenge binary gender dynamics?
- To what extent mediated interfaces reproduce or challenge normative imaginaries of gender?
- How do gender identity and/or performances vary across different m-apps?
- What are the legal implications connected to the m-apps in relation to gender identity and performances.
- To what extent do uses intertwine with the affordances of these apps?
- How do gender identities and practices are negotiated and imagined in user experiences of mobile apps?
- What kind of representations of gender and sexuality are shown by m-apps’ design?
- How m-apps reinforce normative representations of practices and identities?
- How is it possible to work on m-apps, gender and sexuality from a methodological point of view?
- What are the challenges (methodological and ethical) of studying the intertwining between gender, sexuality and mobile apps?
Time schedule
The deadline for the received articles is January 15th, 2023.
The acceptance or rejection of the articles will be notified by late February 2023.
The issue will be published in late May 2023.
Read the full text of the call: https://riviste.unige.it/doc_about_gender/CFP_MobileMediaGender_27-9.pdf