Special Issue on Cyber(in)security

Once viewed as the exclusive, inaccessible realm of IT industries, technical experts and national security agencies, cybersecurity has rapidly emerged, both nationally and at the global level, as one of the major public concerns of contemporary societies, gaining the status of top priority in media and governments’ agendas. New strategies and policies aimed at facing cybernetic threats are designed and implemented all over the world, outlining different models of digital security, which depend on the interplay between economic, cultural and political factors. Social processes of threat identification and policy responses, at the same time, redefine the main conceptualizations of security in the political arena, which varies according to the places and contexts where cybersecurity is thought and practiced.

This Special Issue of the Review of Digital Politics investigates the political dimension of cybersecurity, including public policy making, relationships between public institutions and private actors, political controversies emerging in different national contexts, and the processes of negotiation, cooperation and conflict resolution occurring in international arenas as well as in multistakeholder global fora.

In particular, this Special Issues invites submissions that explore the following aspects:

  • The politics of cyber-threat;
  • The geopolitics of cybersecurity;
  • The political economy of cybersecurity;
  • Cybersecurity policies in comparative perspective;
  • Securitization and hyper-securitization of cyberspace;
  • Cybersecurity, cyberwarfare and cyber-peace;
  • The global governance of cybersecurity;
  • Cultures of cybersecurity;
  • The discourse on cybersecurity;
  • Cybersecurity, sovereignty and constitutionalism;
  • Security and privacy challenges;
  • Cybersecurity education and awareness;
  • Internet censorship and defense;
  • Threat scenarios, attack models and security analysis;
  • Cybersecurity and emerging technologies (IoT, AI, 5G);
  • Risk assessment and incident management;
  • Foreign Cyber Interference in Elections.

Academics who wish to contribute are invited to submit an abstract on or before 19/5/2022. The abstract should not exceed 800 words (including a brief bibliography) + author biodata of maximum 100 words. All materials and communications regarding the publication should be addressed to: (redazione /at/ digitalpolitics.it) .

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 26/5/2022 and full contributions should be submitted by 1/10/2022. Full contributions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including notes and bibliography. Web Reviews include reviews or articles between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Articles may be written in English or Italian.

Articles will be subject to double blind referee review.
Contributions from media and communication scholars are very much welcome.
No payment from the authors will be required.