Studies on Framing in Latin America

Editors of this special issue:

Carlos Muñiz (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México)

Natalia Aruguete (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y CONICET, Argentina)

Paola Ingrassia (Universidad Nacional de San Juan y CONICET, Argentina)

Jamil Marques (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil)

In the arena of dispute over meanings, politicians, media organizations, social movements, religious institutions and other actors dialogue and compete in order to impose their own definitions of public problems. Public meanings that are successfully brought forth depend on the discursive strategies that are used and the existing strength of a specific community. Studies on Framing have been consolidated over the last decades in the field of communication and in debates on political analysis, establishing a multiparadigm research program (D’Angelo, 2012). In the last five years, around 1,000 theoretical and empirical works on this subject have been published in Latin America. Indeed, the political, institutional and social events that have recently taken place in the region illustrate the need to address the production and circulation of public meanings on a broader scale. Media framing, frames of political discourse, or marks of meaning are pertinent instruments for classifying the characteristics of government communication, the polarized narratives of electoral campaigns, media coverage of gender inequalities, the collective action of social movements, and the framing in digital social networks, including its ability to bypass traditional avenues of information. In short, it is an analytical approach which provides the necessary tools to reflect on the different stages of the communication process: from the framing used by broadcasters to the forms of interpretation on the part of the audience, and those involved in the political culture where discourses are produced and circulated. Based on research carried out in the region, this call for papers seeks to expand on and further develop the theoretical and empirical contributions of framing in political communication.

Based on interpretive sociology and cognitive psychology, framing is a particularly media-centered perspective; it highlights the importance of mass communication within a broader social process of defining reality. Frames are packages of discursive resources which different political, corporate or media actors use to offer an alternative definition of issues of public interest (Schuck et al., 2013); they are a type of translation of information, through the use of frameworks, that serve to suggest a particular perspective of reality (D’Angelo, 2002; de Vreese, 2003; Entman, 1993; Matthes, 2012). Framing guides the way events are presented through informative messages, either emphasizing or excluding possible aspects of current reality (de Vreese, 2005; Muñiz, 2015). In short, framing is conceived as a paradigm capable of informing and enriching both behavioral and critical, and quantitative and qualitative approaches; indeed, framing is an exercise in power as it affects our understanding of the political world (Reese, 2007).

Based on this line of reasoning, this call for papers invites researchers to submit articles on the different frameworks in communication processes that advocate approaches from Latin America to help further develop this theory or field of study. All authors are encouraged to reflect on the idiosyncrasies that emerge from “Latin” objects or from the national and regional dynamics of the subcontinent, observing how this area participates in the process of interpreting data/results. This call for papers is also interested in articles that review the modernity of this object in the region or that map – or even propose – possible Latin American dimensions of the theory of framing. The following topics of contribution are suggested:

  • Studies on comprehensive communication perspectives
  • How political framing is constructed
  • Analysis of the informative treatment of political processes
  • Framing in electoral campaigns
  • Methodological proposals for the study of political framing
  • The effects of framing on public opinion
  • Media framing production processes in digital environments
  • Activation and circulation of frames in digital environments
  • The framing of political actors in disputes over meaning
  • The framing of collective actions and social movements

Finished articles (30 to 50 thousand characters with spaces, including references and footnotes) must be submitted by July 15, 2022 to the dossier editors via the following e-mail addresses:

(carlos.munizm /at/ ;

(nataliaaruguete /at/ ;

(paoingrassia2 /at/ ;

(marquesjamil /at/ ;

(editors.surlejournalisme /at/ ;

It is also possible to submit through the journal’s site:

Articles may be written in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese, and will be judged using a double-blind review process. About journalism – Sur le journalisme – Sobre jornalismo is indexed on the following academic databases: EBSCO Communication Source collection, Archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (HAL-SHS), DOAJ, EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek), Mir@bel, Sudoc, Sumários.Org, WorldCat (OCLC), European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). About journalismis classified as qualifiedjournal in France (HCERES Index). Brazilian Qualis-CAPES evaluation for 2013-2016: B5.

No payment from the authors will be required (no APCs or Article Processing Charges).


D’Angelo P., 2012. “Studying framing in political communication with an integrative approach”. American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 56, p. 3, pp. 353-364.

De-Vreese C., 2003. Framing Europe: Television news and European integration. Paises Bajos: Aksant Academic Publishers. ISBN: 9789055892341

De-Vreese C., 2005. “News framing: Theory and typology”. Information Design Journal, vol. 13, n. 1, pp. 51-62.

Entman R., 1993. “Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm”. Journal of Communication, vol. 43, n. 4, pp. 51-58.

Matthes J., 2012. “Framing politics: An integrative approach”. American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 56, n. 3, pp. 247-259.

Muñiz C., 2015. “La política como debate temático o estratégico. Framing de la campaña electoral mexicana de 2012 en la prensa digital”. Comunicación y Sociedad, n. 23, pp. 67-95.

Reese S., 2007. “The framing project: A bridging model for media research revisited”. Journal of Communication, vol. 57, n. 1, pp. 148-154.

Schuck A.; Boomgaarden H.; de-Vreese C., 2013. “Cynics all around? The impact of election news on political cynicism in comparative perspective”. Journal of Communication, vol. 63, n. 2, pp. 287-311.