What kind of topics have been addressed in the recent academic books published in Scandinavian languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish? We selected some highlights from the Nordic academic publishers.
Media Research
Mediatization of Religion
Religion i medienes grep: medialisering i Norge (2021) by Knut Lundby, Universitetsforlaget
Professor Knut Lundby, the author of many books on the mediatization theory, examines mediatization in terms of coverage of religion in the Norwegian public sphere.
Another Nordic alternative: Når medierne sætter dagsordenen (2021), edited by Vibeke Borberg, Hjarn von Zernichow Borberg, Christian Suhr and Niels Valdemar Vinding, Djøf Forlag
Science, Technology, Society
Videnskab, teknologi og samfund: en introduktion til STS (2021), edited by Peter Danholt and Christopher Gad, Hans Reitzels Forlag
The book introduces the reader to the research field Science and Technology Studies (STS) in the Danish context, reflecting upon the interaction between technology, science and society.
Another Nordic alternative: Teknologiforståelser: Filtret ind i og ud af teknologiens verden (2020) by Johannes Fibiger, Samfundslitteratur
Development of the Danish Media Theory
Klassisk og moderne medieteori (2021), edited by Mikkel Fugl Eskjær and Mette Mortensen, Hans Reitzels Forlag
With the help of entries by 30 researchers, the book follows the emergence and development of the Danish media and communication research from the 1980s, identifying the central theoretical evolvements.
Another Nordic alternative: Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon (2021) edited by Gunhild Agger, Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, Per Jauert and Kim Schrøder, Samfundslitteratur
Personal Histories From the Archives
Bland tidningsmakares, pennskaft, politiker och konstnärer: Sveriges Pressarkiv – en biografisk guldgruva (2021) by Ellinor Melander, Gidlunds förlag
The Swedish Press Archive at the National Archives (Riksarkivet) is an abundant source for studies of personal histories, to which this book provides an approach.
Another Nordic alternative: De mediehistoriska årsböckerna 1984–2019 by Svensk Mediehistorisk Förening
The Challenges of Action Research
Aktionsforskning: möjligheter, utmaningar och variationer (2021), edited by Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Magdalena Elmersjö and Lisa Kings, Studentlitteratur
A collection offering perspectives by 10 authors into a method that engages – and challenges – both the researcher and his/her informants.
Another Nordic alternative: Aktionsforskning – i et læringsperspektiv (2020) edited by Julie Borup Jensen, Søren Frimann and Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen, Hans Reitzels forlag
Digital Methods: the Basics
Digitala metoder i humaniora och samhällsvetenskap (2021), edited by Johan Jarlbrink and Fredrik Norén, Studentlitteratur
Netnography, network analysis, automated data retrieval – here you can get the basics of digital methods in social sciences and the humanities.
Another Nordic alternative: Digitale forskningsmetoder (2021) by Anne Tjønndal and Ingrid Fylling, Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Post-Qualitative Methodology
Introduktion till postkvalitativ metodologi (2021) by Karin Gunnarsson and Linnea Bodén, Stockholm University Press
What is post-qualitative methodology? According to the authors, the concept “post-qualitative” refers to the application of posthumanist theory, the idea of research shaping the reality that it reports, the interweaving of discourse, materiality and affect, as well as feminist theories.
Another Nordic alternative: Socialkonstruktivisme: en introduktion (2021) by Finn Collin, Samfundslitteratur
How to Design a Research Project
Forstå, forklare, forandre: om design av samfunnsvitenskaplege forskningsprosjekt (2021, 2nd ed.) by Oddbjørn Bukve
The key to a successful research design? According to the professor emeritus Oddbjørn Bukve, it is the synchronized combination of goals and strategies to achieve these goals.
Another Nordic alternative: Forskningsprocessen: kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv (2021, 4th ed.) by Henny Olsson and Stefan Sörensen, Liber
Pedagogical Books
Values of Constructive Journalism
Fra tårn til torv: Journalistens rolle i den involverende og konstruktive journalistik (2020) by Gerd Maria May, Syddansk Universitetsforlag
The journalist and consultant Gerd Maria May introduces the FINT model involving four key value dimensions for successful constructive journalism: community, inspiration, nuance and trust.
Another Nordic alternative: Konstruktiv journalistikk: kritisk og løysingsorientert (2019) by Vigdis Holmaas, Fagbokforlaget
Methods of Investigative Journalism
Den undersøgende journalistiks metoder (2021), edited by Jannie Møller Hartley and Lene Rimestad, Samfundslitteratur
Written by journalism practitioners, educators and researchers, the book inquires into the practices of anonymity, data collection, infographics, and other hands-on approaches employed in investigative journalism.
Another Nordic alternative: Journalistikkens grundtrin: roller, krav, metoder (2021, 4th ed.) by Solveig Schmidt and Mette Mørk, Samfundslitteratur
On Communicative Organizations
Organisationer och kommunikation (2021), edited by Magnus Fredriksson, Studentlitteratur
The book brings together 11 Swedish researchers to address authorities, companies and associations as organizations that communicate, form identities and influence opinion.
Another Nordic alternative: Kommunikation i organisationer (2021) by Mats Heide, Catrin Johansson and Charlotte Simonsson, Liber
AI from a Legislative Perspective
AI, digitalisering och rätten: en lärobok (2021), edited by Gregor Noll, Samfundslitteratur
How will artificial intelligence (AI) affect our legislation and how can our legislation be changed because of AI?
Another Nordic alternative: Sådan forandrer automatisering medierne: En guide til dig i mediebranchen (2021), Syddansk Universitetsforlag
Practical Digital Source Criticism
Digital kildekritikk (2021) by Ståle Grut, Gyldendal
An online journalist from the public broadcaster NRK has written a practical textbook on digital source criticism as part of journalists and media students’ essential digital literacy.
Another Nordic alternative: Källkritik (2019) by Thorsten Thurén and Jack Werner, Liber
Beyond Media Research
Perspectives on Academic Whiteness
Kritvit? Kritiska vithetsperspektiv i teori och praktik (2021) by Jeff Werner, Studentlitteratur
Jeff Werner, a professor in art history at Stockholm University, makes a contribution to the ongoing debate on whiteness at universities and research.
The Pandemic Society in a Historical Context
Det epidemiske samfund (2020), edited by Ole B. Jensen and Nikolaj Schultz, Hans Reitzels Forlag
The anthology offers historical perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic, tracing the reconfiguration of power structures in terms of body, gender, cities and class.
Sigmund Freud as a Social Theorist
Sigmund Freuds samfunnsteori (2021) by Atle Møen, Scandinavian Academic Press
“He is well known, but not known well” applies to the founder of psychoanalysis. Atle Møen, Professor in Sociology at the University of Bergen, argues that Freud was a social theorist and takes the reader to his theories of society.