Does your university or research institution produce content that could be relevant for others in the Nordic media and communication research community? When relevant content is shared with NordMedia Network, we work to increase its reach and distribute it to our core audience – media and communication researchers in the Nordic countries.
An important part of NordMedia Network’s purpose is to inform and inspire the Nordic media and communication research community by offering a platform for sharing current research and events in the Nordic countries. That is why we have decided to provide the opportunity for universities, research groups and academics across the Nordics to use the platform as a communication channel.
What Content can be Relevant?
Often, content is produced by researchers, project assistants and communication departments for universities’ own websites, project blogs and similar outlets. We believe much of this can be relevant for your Nordic peers. This is why we want to provide the opportunity for producers of content across the Nordics to use NordMedia Network as a communication channel.
There are many types of content that can be relevant, for example
- Texts about different forms of Nordic cooperation
- Interviews with media and communication researchers
- Texts about ongoing projects or research areas
- Letters and thoughts from researchers
For more specific examples, you can have a look at content previously shared by different universities, found at the end of this article.
Why Share Your Content with Us?
Our purpose is to inform and inspire the Nordic media and communication research community by offering a platform for sharing stories about current research and events in the Nordic countries. With this effort, we hope to increase the reach of news already produced by you and your research institutions, create awareness of research areas, projects and Nordic collaboration. This is provided with no costs and for you, your project or your local communication department.
If you have any questions, input or would like to contribute, please contact us at editors(a) or via the contribute section.
Previously shared with NordMedia Network
Photo by Christian Velitchkov on Unsplash