The MediaFutures Seminar Series is hosted by MediaFutures – Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology and Innovation. The popular seminar series will now be listed in our webinar section and co-promoted by NordMedia Network.
The main objective of MediaFutures is the development of responsible media technology, in particular leveraging AI technology, for the media sector. From February 2022 their seminar series will be co-promoted by NordMedia Network. The cooperation came together after we announced for content produced around the Nordics previously this month.
The purpose of the MediaFutures Seminar Series is to offer scientists, experts, and students an opportunity to present their research, and latest work on subjects relevant to the Centre’s research areas. The seminar series is meant to encourage interchange between the scientific and non-scientific communities and to help identify opportunities for potential collaboration.
– The cooperation between MediaFutures and NordMedia Network is a great opportunity for us to reach the Nordic media researcher community, and hopefully inspire and inform others with the latest work on subjects relevant to our research areas, says centre director professor Christoph Trattner.
You will always find the updated programme on our site dedicated to the MediaFutures Seminar Series. Announcements about the seminars will be published on Twitter and Facebook.
Illustration by MediaFutures.