The NordMedia 2023 conference call for papers is out. The conference will take place in Bergen, Norway from 16 – 18 August 2023. The theme of the conference is Technological Takeover? Social and Cultural implications – promises and pitfalls. A pre-conference for PhD-students takes place on 15 August.
The NordMedia 2023 conference call for papers is out:
Call for pre-conference papers
The deadline for abstracts is set to 15 February 2023.
All abstracts must be submitted using the online submission system ExOrdo.
All abstracts for the main conference should be addressed to a specific division or temporary working group (TWG). The upcoming conference in Bergen has 12 divisions and 3 TWGs:
Division 2: Environment, Science and Risk Communication
Division 4: Media and Communication History
Division 5: Media, Globalization and Social Change
Division 7: Media Literacy and Media Education
Division 8: Organization, Communication and Promotion
Division 9: Political Communication
Division 10: Television and Film Studies
Division 11: Theory, Philosophy and Ethics of Communication
Temporary Working Groups
TWG1: Sensory and Immersive Extended Reality Media: AR/VR/XRTWG
TWG2: Visual Communication and Culture
TWG3: Media, Communication and Health
Questions regarding the call for abstracts can be directed to the conference email (main conference), and Maarit Jaakkola (pre-conference). Contact information for all chairs and co-chairs are available from their respective division and TWG pages listed above. For other questions about the conference, you can get in touch with the planning committee here.
Pictures by Clay Banks via Unsplash and Barnabas Davoti via Pixabay