Attitudes and Emotions are Affected by How the Media Describes Migration
Nora Theorin of University of Gothenburg has investigated what migration in media looks like in six European countries to see if there are any common patterns and mechanisms.
Updates on NordMedia23: Dates and Theme
The Nordic planning committee for NordMedia23 in Bergen has settled more details about conference.
Upcoming Webinar: Media Literacy in India
As a part of the webinar series De-Westernising Media Literacy, the 2022 season kicks off with a special view on India. The webinar takes place on Thursday 27 of January at 15:00 CET.
They are Here, They are There, They are Everywhere: Data, Data, Data…
We used to be told that we live in a media-saturated world. True as this may be, today’s is also data saturated. Johannes Bjerling, editor of Nordicom Review, discusses datafication in the Nordic welfare societies with Rikke Andreassen, Anne Kaun, and Kaarina Nikunen.
Norwegian-Danish Cooperation with New PhD Course
Two research groups in Norway and Denmark are joining forces to provide PhD course in audience studies and media use research.
Professor Helle Sjøvaag Shares Her Publishing Tips
The professor of journalism has been one of those who has published the most research articles at the University of Stavanger. Read how she keeps up with the pressure to publish.
Several Calls for Papers with Deadline in February
Currently we have listed twenty-three different calls, of which nine have submission deadline in February 2022. A couple of the calls even have a special Nordic focus.
NordMedia Network and Social Media
We have presence on several different social media channels, and give you the possibility to promote yourselves and your work through NordMedia Network.
Notes From a Manuscript Editor: Why Inclusive Language is Important
You’ve gone through round after round of review, revision, and editing. After all that, a new editor is telling you that some language needs to be adjusted, some words capitalised, and others avoided. Manuscript editor Kristin Clay tells you why.
Smashing the Myth of Fact-Based Journalism
In journalism, facts and opinions must be kept separate. In this Featured Article, the writers call into question this doctrine by examining the practice of quoting in Helsingin Sanomat’s reporting of the US presidential election.
Open Access Christmas Gift Suggestions
Christmas is upon us and NordMedia Network takes the tabloid opportunity to recommend Christmas gifts for yourself, your friends and family.
A Nordic Effort to Fight Disinformation and Information Disorder
Anja Bechmann of Aarhus University's Datalab heads the NORDIS consortium, which consits of both academic and non-academic partners. We sat down to have a quick chat with Bechmann about their collaboration.
Media Literacy Webinar Series Continues in Spring 2022
The international media literacy webinar series at NordMedia Network will be continued with one more series in Spring 2022, focusing on media literacy approaches in countries beyond Europe; India, South America, the Arabic region, and Japan.
Why are We Acting Against the Pandemic, but Not Against the Climate Crisis?
In the MUCS project researchers from Norway and Denmark aim to analyze how people face crises on a daily basis with an abundance of information in various media channels. We had a chat with the PI.
More Than 700 Registered Experts
The media expert database now lists more than 700 experts in fields within media and communication studies. Since the NordMedia21 Conference in August, the database has received almost one new expert every work-day.
New Resource: Nordic Media Study Programmes in a Database
NordMedia Network presents a new resource: a database of educational programs. We have collected Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs offered in the field of media, journalism and communication studies.
Strengthen Our Community by Contributing News and Announcements
The NordMedia Network team works continuously to develop the website and fill it with relevant content for the Nordic media and communications research community, but in NordMedia Network, your input has special value for your peers.
This Is the NordMedia Network Expert Database
A searchable and freely accessible database of Nordic media researchers intends to make the expertise of media scholars available. Besides for the academy itself, the database is for journalists, media professionals, policy-makers, teachers and students. See here how it works in practice.
Monitoring, Profiling and Searching for Contacts: Scholars on Social Networking Sites
Our newest webinar dealt with a question that is of constant concern for media researchers, too: how to use social media as a scholar in an effective and impactful way. The half-day drop-in webinar was first of its kind, and we are eager to develop this format further.
NordMedia 2023 in Sight: The Planning Has Started
With NordMedia 2021 completed and summarised, the NordMedia planning committee has now started the preparations for the 2023 conference in Bergen. The conference website has been launched here on NordMedia Network.