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Announce Your Upcoming Conferences at NordMedia Network

As many already knows, NordMedia Network works to offer inspiration, information and interaction for media and communication scholars. One of the popular sections is the “Upcoming Conferences” section.

Who Is a Nordic Media Researcher?

NordMedia Network is a platform dedicated to Nordic media researchers. The definition of Nordic media research involves three central, and not very simple, questions: What is "media research"? What does "Nordic" mean? And, finally, what counts as "research"?

Freelance for NordMedia Network

We are continuously working to create relevant and up-to-date content for the Nordic media and communication researcher community. An important part of this work are freelancers’ contributions to the NordMedia Network platform.

NordMedia21 Conference Summarized: Lessons Learned from Iceland

NordMedia21 was held as a virtual conference. Despite the conference going virtual, the number of registered participants was higher than ever: 396. However, there were fewer papers presented than at the previous conferences.

Notes From a Manuscript Editor: How to Make Your Research More Discoverable

Once your article is published, the work isn’t over. There are several actions that can be taken by you, your editor, and the publisher to increase the discoverability of both you as a researcher and your publication.

Find Relevant Calls for Papers with NordMedia Network

NordMedia Network works continuously to make the community aware of conferences and webinars, vacant positions and open calls for articles, chapters and proposals.

Media Technology in Everyday Life: A Struggle and a Comfort

Media technologies can be a struggle for many. Two guest editors of a recent Nordicom Review special issue, Stine Liv Johansen and Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke, pinpoint that it is almost possible to opt out, but people can decide the extension and role that technologies play in their everyday lives.

Peer-Reviewed Perspectives into Nordic Media Research: The Danish Encyclopedia

The Danish researcher community can brag about a media and communication encyclopedia in their own language, consisting of over 600 entries altogether. We met the editors to discuss how to keep up with a rapidly changing research field.

Who Are the People Behind the Algorithms?

Jakob Svensson, Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Malmö University, is the author of a book just published by Nordicom. The title of the book is Wizards of the Web: An Outsider’s Journey into Tech Culture, Programming, and Mathemagics. Johannes Bjerling, editor at Nordicom, discusses the book with its author.

Find and Announce Vacant Positions with NordMedia Network

NordMedia Network offers a wide array of inspiration, information and interaction for media and communication researchers. Amongst the useful features is the section called “Vacant Positions”.

NordMedia 2021 Photo Contest Winner Awarded With a Trip to Iceland

Doctoral student Randa Romanova was the lucky winner of the NordMedia 2021 Conference photo contest. Take a look at all photos from the virtual photo contest here!

Next NordMedia Conference to be Held in Bergen

The virtual NordMedia Conference 2021 is now officially closed. The outcome: 411 delegates, 250 presentations, 198 sessions, and 264 hours of live content. The next NordMedia Conference will be organized in 2023 in Bergen, Norway.

An Academy for All: A Mentorship Initiative for Early-Career Researchers

The national Swedish researchers' association FSMK is launching a mentorship initiative for early-career researchers who identify as women. According to the initiators – five professors – the programme is a response to needs identified in research on unequal career paths.

Almost 40 Young Scholars Participating in the NordMedia Pre-Conference

The NordMedia Conference 2021 is preceded by a preconference for Nordic doctoral students. The one-day virtual event brings together almost 40 young scholars to discuss their PhD projects.

Nordicom Review Reaches Top Quartile in Prestigious Journal Ranking

Nordicom Review continues to climb in the various performance metrics assembled by Scopus. For the first time ever, the Open Access journal published by Nordicom is now included in the top quartile for Communication journals in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR).

A New Virtual Meeting Place for Scholars: The European Media Salon

Six European professors founded a new meeting space for virtual encounters between media scholars: the media salon. The salon shall accelerate open scientific exchange that has, according to the initiators, decreased because of the pandemic restrictions.

Binge-Watching and the Transformation of Quality Television

A recent Nordicom Review article looks back at the cultural consecration of serial television in Swedish newspapers and explores what the process reveals about the transformation of television in Sweden.

A (Love) Letter to Hackademics

Dear you who are working at the university as an "adjunct lecturer", "lecturer" or "university teacher": this is a letter for you. NordMedia Network wants to thank you for the hard work you've been doing in teaching, as it is widely known that you seldom receive letters of admiration at the end of the academic year.

NordMedia2021 is Open for Registration

The registration for the NordMedia2021 conference has now been re-opened, after being temporarily closed due to technical issues with the payment process. Registration will be open until 16 August 2021.

How and Why Google Gives You Such a Hard Time

While accepting Google's terms itself is uncomplicated (just click “I agree”), understanding what one accepts is trickier. Bjarki Valtýsson, author of a recently published Nordicom Review article, talks about Google's terms post-GDPR.