
Showing 302 news

How to Get Together Online: 9 Pieces of Practical Advice on Organizing a Webinar

Academic webinars – online live events – have become commonplace. Here are some practical details that you should take into account as an organizer, speaker and participant of a webinar.

The Enriching and Hilarious Fieldwork: Experiences from Researching Video Game Regulation Among Immigrant Parents in Norway

Data-collection can be enriching, stressful and hilarious at the same time. Carol Azungi Dralega recalls what it required to arrive at an abundant dataset from a focus group interview with diasporic digital migrant parents.

Public Debates and Parenting Paradoxes: Studying Digital Technologies in Early Years Education

National policies of pre-school education underline the potentials of digital technologies when it comes to both general education and digital literacy, but the public as well as professional debate on the issue is ambiguous and dispersed.

A Research Program for Humanists and Social Scientists to Study Challenges in the Nordic Societies

A group of Finnish and Swedish foundations will launch a joint research program in the humanities and social sciences with a special focus on the challenges of Nordic societies.

Need-based and Multi-dimensional: Media Education for Older People

People over 65 years of age are a highly important and interesting group from the perspective of media education research and practice. Päivi Rasi discusses how research can prevent possible exclusionary effects.

Studying Psychological Defence: Lessons Learned from the Cold War

Fredrik Stiernstedt, associate professor at Södertörn University, calls for more Nordic comparisons on direct influence from defence and national security interests on the early academic media research.

Kirsten Drotner: "Welfarist Ideals Make Nordic Media Studies Relevant to the International Field"

Kirsten Drotner, professor at the University of Southern Denmark, on why welfarist ideals matter and why they can guide research in a globalised, connected, and deeply datafied platform society.

Strengthening Swedish MIL Studies: Nordicom Coordinates a Forum for Media Literacy Research

Has video literacy been studied in Sweden? Who are the Swedish experts in Instagram literacy? Questions will be more efficiently answered within the new academic forum for media literacy research, coordinated by Nordicom.

A New Nordic Journal With a "No-Bullshit" Open Access Model

A new star has been born on the academic Nordic journal scene: the Journal of Digital Social Research, launched last year. We talked to the editor-in-chief Simon Lindgren from Umeå University.

Integrated Communication – Pursuing a Harmony of Persuasive Voices

"Integrated communication" has become a frequently used buzzword in marketing communication. In this essay, Andžela Armonienė reflects upon the concept.

The Scholarly Use of Social Media: How to Make the Most of It?

More and more scholars are using social networking sites to communicate their research. We asked some Nordic academic users about their strategies. Core issues include how to find time for content creation, keep yourself motivated and find relevant communities.

Context Matters: What Does the Nordic Context Mean to You?

We asked a few Nordic researchers with different backgrounds what the Nordic context has meant to them and their research. Their answers range from “part of me” to “not much”.

Teaching-free but Not Study-free – Doctoral Students on Thesis Writing in Summer

Summer is free of meetings and teaching, but summer schools and conferences bring pressure and high expectations for productivity, especially for many doctoral students. We asked three about how they feel about the upcoming period.

Self-Reflections with Johan Lindell: Mirroring the Swedish Media Research Field

Sociological self-observation has a long tradition, and in the latest article of Nordicom Review, the sociologist Johan Lindell casts light on the Swedish media research field. Here are the "elite researchers" according to his analysis.

Nordicom Review Increases Its Scopus Score

Scopus has now released their cite scores for 2019. The score for the journal Nordicom Review increases substantially, from 0.8 to 1.2. Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database that covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers.

Three Lessons From a Journalist Who Switched to Academia

As a journalist and staff writer for a decade, I made a transition to the academic world in 2014–2015 as I studied for a Master of Arts in Specialized Journalism at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. What did I learn?

Students Decided to Present Their Master's Theses Virtually in Public

Students in the humanities at the University of Gothenburg decided to make a website for the presentation of their Master's thesis when the public presentation was not possible.

Nordicom Adds New Quality Label to Their Open Access Books

Nordicom strengthens the status of Nordic academic books by partnering with Kriterium, a Swedish portal for peer review of Open Access books. Peer review is not just for journal articles anymore – authors publishing books with Nordicom will now have the opportunity to submit their manuscripts for expert peer review.

Nordicom Sets a Digital Book Table at Virtual Conferences

When conferences are going virtual, Nordicom is contributing to the events by presenting open access books at a virtual book table. The first virtual book table is set at the Nordic Media Days in Bergen.

The University Branding Game – Traps and Pitfalls

Nordic universities are more and more often renewing their brand identities. Some universities are leaving traditional values while others are persisting in them. Can you guess what the most frequently used brand color at the Nordic universities and university colleges is?