Regardless of how far north we have chosen to situate ourselves, summer will at some point be unavoidable. And while frail Nordic skin is challenged with never-ending burning rays of the sun, we believe the academic mind is best challenged with some well written reports relevant to the media and communication connoisseurs of the north. That is why we have collected a handful of them for you (and your family) to enjoy over the summer holidays.
Pro tip: If you print the reports and laminate them, you can even bring them with you to the beach or sauna.
Public Service Media
Public service: En svensk kunskapsöversikt (2022), edited by Johannes Bjerling, Nordicom, University of Gothenburg
Public Service: en svensk kunskapsöversikt summarizes what empirical research has come to in key issues concerning public service media. The report is aimed at anyone with an interest in public service – not least politicians, journalists and public debaters.
Why spend time on it: The purpose of this report is to present in an easily accessible way what empirical research has come to in key issues concerning public service. And it does. Not convinced? Scroll down and have a look on our other recommended reports for summer reading.
Digital News
Digital News Report 2022 (2022), lead author Nic Newman, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford
The report documents ways in which the connection between journalism and the public may be fraying, including a fall in trust following last year’s positive bump, a declining interest in news and a rise in news avoidance. It also looks at audience polarisation and explores how young people access news.
Why spend time on it: Journalism is changing, and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford are documenting some of the changes that will, or already are, affecting our personal and professional life. But if reading it (despite the really nice graphics) is too far away, you can also have a look at this video trailer for the publication.
Digital Music in the Nordics
Polaris Nordic Digital Music Survey 2022 (2022), by Nils Riske, YouGov
Polaris Nordic (a collaboration between the three Collective Management Organisations Koda, TONO and Teosto) needs knowledge about the use of digital music services in the Nordic region and has conducted a survey
in collaboration with YouGov. The study has previously been conducted in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2020
Why spend time on it: This report may be of relevance for anyone who has, will, or consider to listen to music during the summer. For those who really want to go in-depth, there are similar reports available from earlier years, which can facilitate a really interesting conversation around the breakfast table.
Press Freedom in the World
2022 World Press Freedom Index: a New Era of Polarisation (2022), by Reporters Without Borders
The 20th World Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) reveals a two-fold increase in polarisation amplified by information chaos – that is, media polarisation fuelling divisions within countries, as well as polarisation between countries at the international level.
Why spend time on it: When the kids ask “Why are we visiting to aunt Gitte in Esbjerg again? It’s so boring!” and “Why can’t we go abroad like everybody else?”, try using this report to put things into perspective.
What’s up in Europe?
Investing in European works: the obligation on VOD providers (2022), by
Francisco Javier Cabrera Blázquez, Maja Cappello, Julio Talavera Milla and
Sophie Valais (eds.), The European Audiovisuel Observatory
This new report by the European Audiovisual Observatory describes the rules
concerning financial obligations for VOD services in the EU. It aims to answer the following questions:
◼ What is the current legal framework for promoting the production of European
works in the EU?
◼ What are the resulting obligations on VOD services operating at national and
cross-border level?
◼ What form do these financial obligations take (investment in production,
acquisition of rights, levies etc.)?
Why spend time on it: Video on demand and streaming services will often be the go-to activity on rainy, sunny days. On days like that, why not take a break from the TV screen and read this related report on your tablet in stead?
A Swedish classic
Mediebarometern 2021 (2022), edited by Jonas Ohlson, Nordicom, University of Gothenburg
Mediebarometern is an annual survey of the Swedish population’s access to, and use of, different types of media. The survey has been conducted since 1979 and makes the Media Barometer the oldest study of its kind in the world. The results of the 2021 survey are based on responses from around 6,000 randomly selected people aged 9 to 85 years.
Why spend time on it: This report is a Swedish classic, but far more acceptable to open in a train compartment than surströmming. Regardless of your destination, it will give you valuable insight in media use in Sweden in 2021. And if this report spike your interest, you should really check out the reports from previous years, all listed on Nordicom’s website.
Main photo by Toa Heftiba via Unsplash.