See SMiD’s New Website

SMiD – The Association for Media Researchers in Denmark has lauched a new website.

SMiD – The Association for Media Researchers in Denmark has launched a new website. The address is the same as always: On their new website SMiD will continue to inform about their activities and how to become a member in the association.

SMiD aims to function as a professional forum where media and communication researchers in Denmark can keep up to date with what their colleagues work with and think about in academic, professional and media policy matters.

Related, the call for contributions to the SMiD’s Biennial Meeting, this year at DMJX in Aarhus, has been updated with a new deadline for submission. The new deadline is September 30 2022, two weeks later than the initial deadline.

In the Nordics

Associations for Media and Communication Researchers

The Nordic associations for media and communication researchers bring together and present media scholars at the national level. There is a national association in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

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Associations for Media and Communication Researchers

Photo by Steffen Muldbjerg via Unsplash.