PhD Courses

Showing 8 items

Research Ethics and Good Reseach Practice, 5 credits

Course description The course is an introductory course in research ethics and good research practice. Ethical reasoning has a general...

Streaming Media, Contemporary Society, and Cultural Memory

Call for applications to the PhD course Streaming media, contemporary society, and cultural memory at Jönköping University, Sweden. The course can be...

Etnografisk metod

*In Swedish* *Jönköping University* Lärandemål FTETM35Forskningschef HLK 2024-06-17 Våren 20251 Utbildningsnivå: Forskarutbildningsämne: Forskarnivå Pedagogik 1(3) De studerande ska uppnå följande...

Critical Analysis of Language and Discourse Data

*Karlstad University* The course covers a variety of critical approaches to language and discourse, such as language and power, critical...

Quantitative Methods for Qualitative Researchers

*Karlstad University* The target group for this course is PhD-Students from social science disciplines. There are no requirements in terms...

Methods in Social Sciences

*Linnæus University, Sweden* Number of credits 15 credits Given by  Department of Political Science Open to Students admitted to doctoral...

Theory of Science

*Karlstad University* The target group for the course is PhD-candidates in general and the course is open to students from...

Current Directions in Interaction Design Thesis Research

*Malmö University* Aim This course will survey a group of recently completed Ph.D. theses in interaction design representing different areas...