Academic Writing and Publishing

The course aims at developing the PhD student’s competence in constructing academic texts in English
and their understanding of publishing in and across disciplinary traditions.
Knowledge prerequisites
Admission to postgraduate research programme.
Intended learning outcomes
Upon the completion of the course, the PhD student should be able to:

  • reflect on their skills to confidently present their research in writing and in dialogue with the
    international academic community;
  • demonstrate an understanding of academic and disciplinary standards and ethical issues related to
    publishing in their own area of specialisation;
  • demonstrate familiarity with different forms of review, publishing processes and knowledge of
    bibliometric aspects of publishing.
    Course description and contents
    The PhD student is provided with the opportunity to identify academic requirements within their own
    area of specialization and be able to engage in various forms of writing to meet these. The course
    focuses on the preparation of an academic text. Emphasis is placed on clear problem statements,
    synthesis of the main points of an argument, and writing techniques. Structured peer response is
    included as a component. The course also offers in-depth discussions of publishing processes, including
    ethical aspects of publishing and bibliometrics.

orking formats
The course contains various forms of work which, in addition to individual studies, consist of group
discussions, peer feedback, practical design, seminars and lectures. The research student actively
participates in a common knowledge building together with coursemates and teachers, and
contributes with their own experiences, reflections, interpretations and perspectives.
Formats for the assessment of performance
The course is examined through active participation and a written reflection portfolio.
Grading scale
Pass and Fail

Belcher, Wendy Laura. (2019). Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic
Publishing Success. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press. (430 p.)

Curry, Mary Jane & Lillis, Theresa M. (2014). Strategies and tactics in academic knowledge production by
multilingual scholars. Education Policy Analysis Archive, 22(32), pp. 1-24.

Flowerdew, John. (2001). Attitudes of Journal Editors to Nonnative Speaker Contributions. Tesol
Quaterly, 35(1), pp. 121-150.

Nygaard, Lynn P. (2015). Writing for Scholars: A Practical Guide to Making Sense and Being Heard.
London: SAGE. (214 p.)

Pemberton, Michael; Hall, Susanne; Moskovitz, Cary & Anson, Chrys M. (2019). Text recycling: Views of
North American journal editors from an interview-based study. Learned Publishing, 32, pp. 355-

Dunleavy, Patrick. 2003. Authoring a PhD: How to Plan, Draft, Write, and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or
Dissertation. Palgrave Study Guides. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York: Palgrave

Scientific articles and other study materials will also be included (up to 200 pages).

Transitional provision

Within one year after the course has been discontinued or afther the course content having been
substantially changed, the PhD student can be assessed on two separate occasions in accordance with
the course syllabus that applied at the time of registration. The course is concluded with an individual
written evaluation based on the learning outcomes of the course. The course coordinator is to provide
information about the result of the evaluation and any changes occasioned by it in conjunction with the
end of the course. The next time the course is offered, the course coordinator provides information
about any implemented changes to the course.