Methodology – What on Earth?

Nordicom, the Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies (Mevi) and the Doctoral Programme in Media, Communication and Performative Arts (Tampere University) organise a joint methodology and research methods workshop “Methodology – what on earth?” 

Date: Friday 9 December 2022 

Time: 10:00 to 16:00 Finnish time (including lunch and coffee breaks) 

Venue: Zoom 

Participants: Doctoral students in media and communication sciences enrolled at a Finnish university 

Languages: Finnish and English flexibly 

Workshop programme 

10:00–10:15    Dr Sanna Kivimäki, Tampere University: Introduction to workshop themes and ways of working  

10:15–11:30    Associate Professor Maarit Jaakkola (University of Gothenburg, Sweden; Nordicom; the journal Kulttuurintutkimus) & University Lecturer Saila Poutiainen (University of Helsinki; the journal Media & Viestintä): Approaches to methodological challenges in media and communication sciences 

11:30–11:45    Presentation of the Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies (Mevi) and the journal Media & Viestintä 

11:45–12:45    Lunch break 

12:45–14:45    Parallel workshops: Digital methods (TBC), Multi-method approaches (Dr Ville Manninen, University of Vaasa), Researching visual culture (Dr Niina Uusitalo, Tampere University)  

14:45–16:00    Joint discussion & summary of the day 


Make a (rough) draft of the Methods and Methodology chapters in your forthcoming doctoral dissertation. What kind of things are you planning to write in these compulsory chapters? How do you describe your methods and methodology? Try to elaborate on the elements that you find difficult so we can help you out. NB! Your text need NOT be “ready for publication” – the key is to point out for discussion things and problems that you currently have. 

Send your draft by Friday 2 December to When sending your draft, please indicate which of the three parallel workshops you would like to attend.