Call for applications to the PhD course Streaming media, contemporary society, and cultural memory at Jönköping University, Sweden. The course can be attended fully online via Zoom or in person at the university.
The course is free of charge for PhD students from any country and it is held in English.
The course has 7,5 ECTS and it starts on August 30, 2024, and finishes on October 25, 2024, with deadline of the final assignment in November 2024. In total, there will be seven seminars. This is the schedule:
Friday, Aug 30 13:15-15:00
Friday, Sep 06 13:15-15:00
Friday , Sep 20 13:15-15:00
Friday , Oct 04 13:15-15:00
Friday , Oct 11 13:15-15:00
Friday , Oct 18 13.15-17:00
Friday , Oct 25 13:15-15:00
The course is taught by Professor in Media and Communication Studies Renira Gambarato and Associate Professor in History Johannes Heuman.
Applications are due on May 31, 2024. You can find the course syllabus here: and you can apply here:
Course description
The Streaming media, contemporary society, and cultural memory is a seminar-based course about the ongoing transition to streaming media that has a large impact on contemporary culture and society. This course will analyze and discuss different approaches to streaming media narratives and its infrastructure. The focus will be on:
• the technological and cultural development of streaming services such as HBO Max and Netflix
• contemporary media theories in relation to streaming media
• how memories of the past and societal issues, such as sexism and inequality, are represented and communicated through streaming media platforms
The course is entirely based on different streaming series such as Squid Game, Black Mirror, Chernobyl, The Handmaid’s Tale, and The Crown.
If you have any questions about the course, please contact:
Renira Gambarato:
Johannes Heuman: