Streaming media, contemporary society and cultural memory

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Students shall achieve the following objectives with respect to knowledge and understanding,
competence and skills, judgment and approach.

Knowledge and understanding

After having completed the course the participant is expected to be able to

  • explain contemporary media theories and concepts in relation to streaming media
  • describe the development of streaming services in comparison to other forms of media
  • identify how memories of the past and societial issues, such as racism and inequality are
  • represented and communicated digitally through streaming media.

Skills and abilities

After having completed the course the participant is expected to be able to

  • apply relevant theoretical concepts and analytical tools to study streaming media
  • interpret streaming media narratives in relation to societal issues and cultural memory
  • compare narratives of streaming media with other forms of media today and in the past.

Judgement and approach

After having completed the course the participant is expected to be able to

  • critically review theories on the development of streaming services and its infrastructure
  • critically reflect upon societal issues and cultural memory within streaming media
  • problematise different transdisciplinary approaches to streaming media and narratives in
  • relation to contemporary society and cultural memory.


  • The technological and cultural development of streaming services
  • Contemporary media theories and concepts in relation to streaming media
  • Theoretical and analytical approaches to cultural memory in relation to streaming media
  • Representations of societial issues and memories of the past in streaming media