Language of instruction
Course content
Learn to use the mobile phone as a tool for visual documentation and data collection to better one’s research, and to be able to create visual research content that can also be used in different public presentations such as shorter and longer films.
Learning outcomes
Learn to use the mobile phone as a tool for visual documentation and data collection to better one’s research, and to be able to create visual research content that can also be used in different public presentations such as shorter and longer films.
Learn ground rules for gathering good visual material, for creating a film and how to get good composition and good sequence footage, thus easing the treatment process and making the material and aspects of research more presentable to the public. Learn how to compose interviews. Learn how to think visually and in film like ways, and to treat visual material and utilize it as an aspect of one’s work. Learn how to create a short film sequence, reportage, and film interviews. Gain some insight into the visual and film as a language, technology, means of representation, potential power structure, and ways in which it represents “realities”.
Study period
Spring 2023.
Seminars 17th, and 18th of April. Independent work.18th to 26th of April. Seminar and evaluation of visual work the 26th of April. Assignment, write a short essay. Submit. 4th of May.
Credits (ECTS)
Specific terms
Course registration and deadlines
Deadline for course registration, 1st of April 2023.
Recommended previous knowledge
No previous knowledge needed. But participants must own a smartphone.
Compulsory Requirements
Participate during seminars. Read literature from reading list prior to course.
Form of assessment
Assessment of filmed productions and short final essay.
Who may participate
PhD students at the Department of Social Anthropology, UiB and Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB. 10 places. Open for other PhD students if vacancies.
Additional information
Academic responsibility
Dr. Rolf Scott, Zulfikar Abdelhamid Fahmy Overingeniør.
Reading list
Scott, Rolf. 2022. Study guide on creating visual sequences and composing good visual compositions. Rolf Scott. UiB. 30 pages.
Pink. Sara. 2021. Doing Visual Ethnography. Sage. Los Angeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC. Introduction and part 1. Interdisiplinary Theory and Practice, pluss part 2. Making, Knowing and Meaning. Pp. 11- 102. 91 pages.
MacDougal, David. 1998. Transcultural Cinema. Princeton University Press. Chapter 13, pp 245-278 = 33 pages.
Course location
Faculty of Social Science, Media City, University of Bergen.