This conference takes up the question of rights in this diverse landscape of ownership, copying, piracy, and privacy in early cinema.
Send proposals to no later than October 22, 2021. Questions about the submission process should also be sent to that address.
Possible topics include:
• early legal cases
• differing national definitions and precedents for legal rights to copy film or elements contained therein
• attempts at international coordination of copyright practices
• rights expressed in ways other than through copyright or droits d’auteur
• copyright as preservation source today (paper prints at the Library of Congress and the legal deposit of scripts at the National Library of France)
• questions of rights in relation to early “orphaned” and/or non-theatrical films
• sales versus licensing
• trademarks and logos
• early censorship regimes
• cartels and trusts
• piracy and copying
• authors’ rights
• performers’ rights
• implications of copyright practices in relation to social/political rights
• copyright in the context of scholarship and teaching on early films
• impacts of digital media and the internet on copyright issues for early films