IRIS/SCIS Conference

Conference Theme : Digitalization in times of transition

For long digitalization has been coupled with hopes and expectations on potential societal development with positive connotations. Stories of digitalization were stories of bridging and sometimes even dissolving geographical distances, or stories of enhanced efficiency creating opportunities for other and more liberating activities, or stories of how digitalization could replace lack of manpower in times of demographic challenges. At the same time we are today witnessing how societies are facing mechanisms of fragmentation, segregation and disruption. Digital promises are challenged and questioned and our research community is to some degree held accountable and is expected to deliver answers. 

digitalization in times of transition,: the tension between the rural and the urban, inclusion and exclusion of individuals and the risks with increased dependency of bandwidth and electricity. 

Sub theme one: Center and periphery

Sub theme two: Inclusion and exclusion

Sub theme tree: Risks and robustness

(Text sourced from conference website)